2023, Volume 20, Issue 3

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Irina T. Vepreva
Anastasia V. Kharitonova

Ural Federal University
Ekaterinburg, Russia

Onomastic Space of Ekaterinburg: Level-Based Markers of Regional Identity

Voprosy onomastiki, 2023, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 184–199 (in Russian)
DOI: 10.15826/vopr_onom.2023.20.3.037

Received on 2 March 2023
Accepted on 1 October 2023

Abstract: The paper examines the onomastic space of the city of Ekaterinburg containing regional linguocultural information through the lens of a three-level model of onymic identity markers as “part of the collective regional identity manifested in general language and speech activity” (Marina V. Golomidova). This space is formed by a set of urban proper names with different scope of reference — from the astyonym naming the city, through urbanonyms naming districts, streets, and other urban topographical objects, to advertising names in the broad sense of the word. On the first level, the authors describe the stages of the city’s renaming (Ekaterinburg / Sverdlovsk), analyze colloquial stylistic variants of the astyonym, identify figurative appellations motivated by the modern socio-political situation. The class of urbanonyms, markers of the second level of regional identity, includes the names of streets, squares, parks, alleys, boulevards, districts, metro stations, individual buildings, as well as names of residential complexes. Amongst this variety, several naming themes related to the regional features of Ekaterinburg were identified and analyzed. The third level of regional identity markers is a group of advertising names regarded as any product name in the broadest sense of the word: these are the names of commercial enterprises (ergonyms), names of mass media (hemeronyms), names of festivals, competitions, concerts (georthonyms), names vehicles (poreonyms). These names are coined for marketing needs and pursue the ideas of the name giver. The large number of regionally marked advertising names in the onomastic space of Ekaterinburg indicates to the residents’ awareness of the unique character of the territory, the positivity of its perception, emotional connection, and regional identity. Advertising names continue and develop the naming themes set by the previous levels.

Keywords: regional identity; onomastic space; naming theme; astyononym Ekaterinburg; urbanonym; advertising name; linguistic and cultural information


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