2007 №4
Articles Harvalik M. On Modern Onomastic Terminology Matveyev A. K. On the Problem of the North Russian Substrate Toponymy Languages Classification Napol'skikh V. V. The Origin of Vepsians' Self-Naming in the Context of Ethnic History in the Eastern Baltic States Karlova O. L. Areal Distribution of the L-type Toponymic Model on the Territory of Karelia Ivashova N. M. Toponyms and Katoykonyms in the Dictionary of the Regional Arkhangelsk Dialect by A. O. Podvysotsky Moroz A. B. Popular Calendar and Quasi-Hagiography Toporkov A. L. The Name of Tsar and «Tsar» Characters in the Russian Charms of the 17th-19th Centuries Materials Vorontsova Yu. B. Materials for the Dictionary of Collective Nicknames of Arkhangelsk Region Dwellers. II. Л-Я Academic Life Conferences, meetings, symposia The 10th International Conference Volga Region Onomastics (I. A. Petrova) The 15th All-Polish Congress of Onomastics (B. Afeltowicz) The Name in Economics and Economic Theory Symposium (S. O. Goryaev) Short reports Reviews Vasilyev V. L. Arkhaicheskaya toponimiya Novgorodskoy zemli (Drevneslavyanskiye deantroponimnye obrazovaniya) [Archaic Toponymy of Novgorod Land (Old Slavonic Derivatives from Anthroponyms)] (L. G. Guseva, N. V. Kabinina) Dmitriyeva T. N. Toponimia basseyna reki Kazym [Kazim River Basin Toponymy] (I. I. Mullonen) Vorontsova O. P., Galkin I. S. Toponimica respubliki Mariy El: Istoriko-etimologichesky analiz [Toponymy of the Mari-El Republic: Historical and Etymological Analysis] (А. N. Kuklin) Smol'nikov S. N. Antroponimia v delovoy pis'mennosti Russkogo Severa XVI-XVIII vv.: Funktsionalnye kategorii i modal'nye otnosheniya [Anthroponymy in Business Writings in the Russian North in 16th–17th Centuries: Functional Categories and Modal Relations] (D. G. Demidov) Vasilyeva N. V. Sobstvennoye imya v mire teksta [Proper Name in a Text] (А. А. Fomin) Grigoryev V. P., Kolodyazhnaya L. I., Shestakova L. L. Sobstvennoye imya v russkoy poezii XX veka: Slovar' lichnykh imyon [Proper Names in 20th Century Russian Poetry: A Dictionary of Personal Names] (L. P. Bykov) Polyakova E. N. Slovar' permskikh familiy [Dictionary of Perm Surnames] (А. G. Mosin) New books New journal Expeditions An Expedition to the Osudarev Road (I. I. Mullonen, D. V. Kuzmin) Materials of the Ural University Expedition to the Kaduysky District of Vologda region (A. A. Makarova) Collective Nicknames of Chadroma Villages Dwellers (Ustyansky District of Arkhangelsk Region) (V. N. Kalutskov) Anniversaries Elena Polyakova, Scholar and Teacher (Т. А. Sirotkina, I. I. Rusinova) |
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