2022, Volume 19, Issue 2
Tatiana V. Gorlova Historical and Etymological Interpretation of the Old Street Names of the Town of Nerekhta in Central Russia
Voprosy onomastiki, 2022, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 250–262 (in Russian) Received on 29 December 2020 Abstract: The paper presents the results of the historical and etymological analysis of 16th-century street names of Nerekhta, a small provincial town in Central Russia, known since the beginning of the 13th century. Nerekhta has been developing along with Kostroma, Yaroslavl, and Moscow and was known as one of the centers of salt production in medieval Russia; now it is a regional center of the Kostroma region. The sources of the study were scribe books, spiritual and contractual letters, as well as data from the card index of the Kostroma Regional Dictionary and field records made in Nerekhta and the Nerekhtsky district in 2017–2019. The names of historical streets of Nerekhta are grouped according to their motivation: 1) deanthroponymic names, 2) names derived from ecclesionyms, 3) names referring to landscape features, 4) names with obscure motivation. Using dialectological, historical and ethnographic information, the study attempts to unveil the connections between proprial and appellative lexemes in the respective ethno-dialectal area. In terms of structure, deanthroponymic street names of Nerekhta commonly contain a possessive adjective, whereas other types of names adhere to the “adjective + term” pattern, which later becomes the most productive in the town’s hodonymy. Observations have shown that most of the considered names are of Slavic origin, and only a few are a Finno-Ugric substrate, mediated by Slavic languages and dialects. The analysis of historical urban toponymy against a situational context of the dialect environment contributes to understanding the dialect features of the Nerekhta ethno-dialectal zone. Keywords: onomastics, historical toponymy, urbanonymy, historical and etymological analysis, city of Nerekhta, ethno-dialect zone, structural models of street names. References Asanov, A. Yu. (2015). 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