Yuri S. Kostylev
Perm State National Research University
Perm, Russia
Names of Crystal-Bearing Deposits of the Circumpolar and Southern Urals: A Comparative Study
Voprosy onomastiki, 2021, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp. 225–237 (in Russian)
DOI: 10.15826/vopr_onom.2021.18.3.041
Received on 12 July 2021
Abstract: The paper studies the names of objects of vein quartz and rock crystal deposits (placers, deposits, crystal manifestations, quarries, mines, veins, and other artificial and natural objects) located on the territory of the Circumpolar and Southern Urals (Chelyabinsk Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic). The timeframe of crystal mining in these regions can be set for mid-late 20th century. The study investigates systemic connections and the etymology of deposit names to identify the motivation and principles of their naming. This includes 339 toponyms of which 282 units belong to the Circumpolar Urals and 57 to the Southern Urals. A considerable part of the names is formed by metonymic transfer or copy of the names of natural places. In terms of linguistic affiliation, most toponyms in the Polar Urals have Komi-Zyryan and Mansi origin, whereas in the Southern Urals, the majority is Russian. By motivation, some of the toponyms refer to properties of the object that are most relevant for production (mineral composition, geographical position, etc). The already established system of geographical names denoting natural objects should also be accounted for the formation of a toponymic system related to crystal deposits. Characteristically, the toponymic system of the Circumpolar Urals and the Astafyevskoye field deposits in the Southern Urals (developed by a regular industrial method) show more relation to artificial systems while the Svetlinsky field, where the development took the prospecting method, demonstrates the features of a natural naming system.
Keywords: Circumpolar Urals; Southern Urals; mining; rock crystal; toponymic system; metonymy; names of industrial objects.
The study was supported by Russian Science Foundation, project 20-18-00269 Mining Industries and Early Factory Culture in Language, ‘Naive’ Writing, and Folklore of the Ural Region.
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