2021, Volume 18, Issue 1
Yulia A. Krasheninnikova Toponymy of Russian Mining Settlements of the Komi Republic in the 21st Century Records
Voprosy onomastiki, 2021, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 209–223 (in Russian) Received on 14 May 2020 Abstract: The paper deals with the toponymic material recorded in 2008–2019 from the Russian population of the mining settlements of Nyvchim, Kazhym, and Nychpas. All these small towns emerged due to iron mining development in the Komi Republic of the mid-18th century and the workforce migration from the central and northern parts of Russia related thereto. Analyzing the data from local toponymic systems, the authors discover motivations behind the local microtoponymy and the peculiarities of present-day place names in the region. Beyond that, the study deals with the names of intra-rural parts and periphery areas assimilated for economic, fishing, and other types of activities. Several groups of unofficial microtoponyms were highlighted: 1) titled by name/surname of the owner or user 2) referring to landscape and location features 3) situational microtoponyms. On the one hand, the analysis testifies to the adoption of Finno-Ugric names (hydronomy, above all) on the territory of the Russian mining settlements in the Komi Republic. On the other hand, in the times of territory reclamation, there is an increase of Russian-based naming establishing territorial law, regulating agrarian, hunting, and fishing activities, helping residents to navigate. Some Russian names attest to the deep cultural memory of the settlers, the continuity of naming traditions which refer to the territories of exodus and maternal culture. Characteristically, the toponymic system of Russian mining settlements in the Komi Republic shows a far smaller proportion of names related to religion, cults, and mythology compared to the rest of the Russian North. Keywords: Komi Republic, Russian mining settlements, toponymy, place name, hydronymy, microtoponymy, fieldwork toponymic data. References Berezovich, E. L. (1998). 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