2018, Volume 15, Issue 2
Jaroslav David Toponymy in a Relocated City: the City of Most, Czech Republic
Voprosy onomastiki, 2018, Volume 15, Issue 2, pp. 70–86 (in English) Received 28 September 2017 Abstract: This article addresses the toponymy of the North Bohemian city of Most, Czech Republic, and its development during the second half of the 20th century. The city of Most makes a unique case, as the old city, first documented in the 11th century, was demolished between 1964 and 1982 to pave the way for coal mining, and replaced by a new one of the same name built by 1987 to the south of the original city area. The article focuses on the urban toponymy of the newly built city of Most (a typical example of a Socialist modernist city), particularly on unofficial (popular) forms of urban names as compared to official street name forms, on the transfer of place names and chrematonyms from the old city to the new one, and on the role of place names in the preservation and creation of the local identity and collective memory. The author shows that the support for saving the old city memory on behalf of the state and local authorities has been a threefold initiative implemented through the conservation of the city name, the transfer of street names, and the use of chrematonyms (mostly names of pubs) specific to the old city. The analysis of urban place names is based on archival sources (predominantly maps), on a field survey, and on individual and group face-to-face interviews with inhabitants of the city performed in the course of 2014 and 2015. Keywords: Czech language, city of Most, street names, unofficial urbanonymy, popular place names, transonymization, local identity, collective memory References Blanár, V. (2009). Vlastné meno vo svetle teoretickej onomastiky [Proper Names in the Light of Theoretical Onomastics]. Martin: Matica slovenská. Brycz, P. (1998). Jsem město [I am the City]. Most: Hněvín. Brycz, P. (2008). Mé ztracené město [My Lost City]. Jihlava: Listen. David, J. (2011a). 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