Josef Kolařík
Palacký University
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Legend and Reality in the Names of the Villages around Lugačovice Health Resort
Citation information: Voprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics), 2009, Issue 7, pp. 68–73 (in Russian)
Abstract: The article deals with motivational features of some place names, specifically, of the names of the villages situated in the vicinity of the Czech health resort Luhačovice (Pozlovice, Ludkovice, Řetechov, etc.). The most frequent motivational model singled out by the author derives place names from the names and surnames of inhabitants, noblemen and grantors of estates. The author discusses the etymologies of the place names in question and their transformation by folk etymology. The author also indicates the reasons of the reinterpretation of place names including structural evolution of the language (phonological, morphological and derivational shifts), miswritings while registering names, etc.
Key words: Czech language, toponymy, village names, Luhačovice city, etymology, folk etymology
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