Vladislav V. Alpatov
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Moscow, Russia
Component ‘Use’ in the Church Field-Names of Medieval England
Citation information: Voprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics), 2009, Issue 7, pp. 21–27 (in Russian)
Abstract: The paper focuses on a specific type of English field-names: those indicating endowment, – with an eye to reveal their conceptual background and its mapping onto the verbal structure. The investigation is based on the field-name evidence of land endowment to Church in the medieval England. Field-names like The Quire, Candle Patch, Alms Close, Bedlands are treated, with occasional German correlates. Analysis of the field-names types and their motivation allows to bring out a mental frame of ‘endowment’ behind this kind of place-name giving.
Key words: Middle English language, German language, toponymy, microtoponymy, field-names, church vocabulary, models of naming
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