Style Guide


1. General Manuscript Formatting Guide

We ask our authors to follow the principles of this style guide while preparing their papers for publication.

1. Your manuscript should be typeset using Microsoft Word and a ‘standard’ font, preferably 14-point Times New Roman (12-point for footnotes), with a line spacing of 1.5 and a first line indent of 0.7 cm on each paragraph. If you use a non-standard font, please attach the font file to your message as well as a copy of your paper in PDF format.

2. A full-length article generally should not exceed 40 000 characters (spaces included), although exceptions are possible. A brief communication should not exceed 20 000 characters (spaces included).

3. The main body of the article should be structured using sections and subsections when necessary. Authors are required to provide a brief overview of previous research on the topic and to explicitly indicate the methods and procedures used in their research.

4. Comments and parenthetical information can be placed in footnotes. Please use footnotes with a continuous numbering.

5. The bibliography should be put into alphabetical order and placed at the end of the document. References within the text of the article should be placed into square brackets with, in the general case, indication of the author’s name, year of publication and, if necessary, pages (see below).

6. Please include a list of the abbreviations and acronyms you use in your article. The list should be placed at the end of the document.

7. Language units and illustrations cited in the article should be italicised. To indicate meaning, please, use inverted commas (‘meaning’), also use English quotation marks for long citations (“a long citation”), inverted commas for citations within citations (“a long citation ‘a citation within a citation’”), and letter-spacing for emphasis. For example:


William Bright writes: “As for the Choctaw word Chahta, it has been said that ‘its meaning is unknown’; but as my colleague Pamela Munro points out, one might as well say that the meaning of the Choctaw word Chahta is 'Choctaw'. Of course such names must have had s o m e remote historical origins; but those are lost to us, and they are irrelevant to the speakers of Cherokee or Choctaw” [Bright 2003: 676; author’s emphasis].


8. Any illustrations (maps, images, photos) should be of good quality, in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and the width of at least 13 cm.

9. Place the detailed information about the article’s author(s) (name, affiliation, academic position, mailing address, electronic address, phone number, ORCID iD) at the end of the document.

2. Metadata

The metadata of the article include author’s name, title, abstract and key words.

The names of authors must be listed in the alphabetical order above the title. Where the family name may be ambiguous (e.g., a double name), please indicate this clearly. For each author indicate his or her affiliation and the ORCID iD.

The title should be concise, but informative enough to instruct the nonexpert reader and to facilitate information retrieval. Do not introduce special symbols or abbreviations in the title.

The abstract must be of 200-250 words, it should be self-contained (no abbreviations, footnotes, or incomplete references) for use in abstracting journals and databases. The abstract must be informative and well-structured. For papers reporting original research, the abstract should describe: the primary objective and any hypothesis tested; the data studied in the article and the methods and procedures of research applied to those data; the main outcomes, results and conclusions that might be drawn from these data and results, including their implications for further research or practice.

Papers should contain 5-10 key words provided below the abstract. The list of key words must be informative and specific to the content of the article.

3. References

References may have different formats depending on the type of the publication referred to.

Book by one, two or more authors: [Smith 1989: 28], [Smith & Johnson 1991: 52], [Smith, Johnson et al. 1993: 140], etc. For multivolume editions include the volume number: [СРНГ, 12: 270], [CPJ, 2: 23]. Where there are two or more publications by a same author and the years of publication are the same, a lower-case “a” should feature after the date in the first entry, a “b” in the second, and so on:  [Bright 2003а: 676]. Please, include the same indications in the bibliography at the end of the document:


Bright, W. (2003a). What is a Name? Reflections on Onomastics. Language and Linguistics, 4(4), 669–681.


Collections of articles, conference proceedings, dictionaries and atlases: [Smith (ed.) 1999: 73], [Smith & Bright (eds.) 1997: 142], [ААЕ: 9], etc. – the reference should include the editor’s name or the abbreviated title.

Archival materials: [ГААО, ф. 198, оп. 7, д. 68, 22] – the pages are the only element to be italicised, all the other indications are given in an abridged form (here: ф. = фонд, collection’s number; оп. = опись, inventory’s number; д. = дело, file's number) and separated by a comma.

Maps, card indexes, glossaries etc. are referred to by their abbreviated name or title: [КСГРС], [LGPN] etc.

4. Bibliography

The bibliography should be put into alphabetical order and placed at the end of the document. For abbreviated titles, please, first indicate the abbreviation.

If you submit your article in Russian, the bibliography should follow the Russian National Standard for Bibliography Items. Please note that in this case the name of the publisher and of the editor (for collections of articles, dictionaries etc.), as well as the name of the research institution or university (for dissertations) must not be omitted. Here is an example of a bibliography following the Russian National Standard (ГОСТ 7.0.5–2008):


Абаев В. И. Скифо-сарматские наречия // Основы иранского языкознания. Древнеиранские языки / отв. ред. В. С. Расторгуева. М. : Наука, 1979. С. 272–346.

Березович Е. Л. Язык и традиционная культура. Этнолингвистические исследования. М. : Индрик, 2007.

БТС – Большой толковый словарь русского языка / под ред. С. А. Кузнецова. СПб. : Норинт, 2000.

Зализняк А. А., Янин В. Л. Берестяные грамоты из новгородских раскопок 2002 г. // Вопр. языкознания. 2003. № 4. С. 3–11.

Лысова Е. В. Орнитонимия Русского Севера : дис. … канд. филол. наук / Урал. гос. ун-т. Екатеринбург, 2002.

Blasco Ferrer E. Tracce indeuropee nella Sardegna nuragica? // Indogermanische Forschungen. 1993. Vol. 98. P. 177–185.

DWDS – Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache [Электронный ресурс]. URL:

Gammeltoft P. Islands great and small: a brief survey of the names of islands and skerries in Shetland // Cultural contacts in the North Atlantic Region: The Evidence of Names / ed. by P. Gammeltoft, C. Hough and D. Waugh. Lerwick : NORNA, 2005. P. 119–126.

Harvalík M. Synchronní a diachronní aspekty české onymie. Praha : Academia, 2004.

Kleiber G. Quand le nom propre prend l’article: le cas des noms propres métonymiques // Journal of French Language Studies. 1992. № 2. P. 185-205.

Pharies D. The Origin and Development of the Spanish Suffix -azo // Romance Philology. 2002. Vol. 56, Issue 1. P. 41–50.

Room A. Bloomsbury Dictionary of Place-Names in the British Isles. London : Bloomsbury, 1988.


In case of an article in English, please follow the APA style, in other cases follow your national bibliography standard and supplement your reference list with a parallel list in English made in the APA style. The titles in a non-roman alphabet should be romanized and translated into English. The romanization should conform to the ALA-LC romanization principles (a transliteration standard approved by the Library of Congress and the American Library Association). Please note that proper names and titles of periodicals are romanized according to the existing tradition and not to the ALA-LC rules (e.g.: Валентин Янин = Valentin Yanin, and not *Valentin Ianin; Вопросы языкознания = Voprosy jazykoznanija, and not *Voprosy iazykoznaniia, etc.). Add DOI where possible.

Here is the same reference list as remade according to the APA style and romanized following the ALA-LC Romanization tables:


Abaev, V. I. (1979). Skifo-sarmatskie narechiia [Scytho-Sarmatian languages]. In V. S. Rastorgueva (Ed.), Osnovy iranskogo iazykoznaniia. Drevneiranskie iazyki [Elements of Iranian Linguistics. Ancient Iranian Languages] (pp. 272–346). Moscow: Nauka. (In Russian)

Berezovich, E. L. (2007). Iazyk i traditsionnaia kul'tura: etnolingvisticheskie issledovaniia [Language and Traditional Culture: Ethnolinguistic Studies]. Moscow: Indrik. (In Russian)

Blasco Ferrer, E. (1993). Tracce indeuropee nella Sardegna nuragica? [Indo-European Traces in Nuragic Sardinia?]. Indogermanische Forschungen, 98, 177–185. (In Italian)

Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache [Electronic Dictionary of the German Language]. Retrieved from (In German).

Gammeltoft, P. (2005). Islands Great and Small: A Brief Survey of the Names of Islands and Skerries in Shetland. In P. Gammeltoft, C. Hough & D. Waugh (Eds.), Cultural Contacts in the North Atlantic Region: The Evidence of Names (pp. 119–126). Lerwick: NORNA.

Harvalík, M. (2004). Synchronní a diachronní aspekty české onymie [Synchronic and Diachronic Aspects of Czech Proper Names]. Praha: Academia. (In Czech).

Kleiber, G. (1992). Quand le nom propre prend l’article: le cas des noms propres métonymiques [When A Proper Name Takes An Article: The Case of Metonymic Proper Names]. Journal of French Language Studies, 2, 185–205. (In French).

Koznetsov, S. A. (Ed.). (2000). Bol'shoi tolkovyi slovar' russkogo iazyka [A Great Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language]. Saint Petersburg: Norint. (In Russian).

Lysova, E. V. (2002). Ornitonimiia Russkogo Severa [Ornithonymy of the Russian North] (Doctoral dissertation). Ural State University, Ekaterinburg. (In Russian).

Pharies, D. (2002). The Origin and Development of the Spanish Suffix -azo. Romance Philology, 56 (1), 41–50. (In English).

Room, A. (1988). Bloomsbury Dictionary of Place-Names in the British Isles. London: Bloomsbury.

Zaliznyak, A. A., & Yanin, V. L. (2003). Berestianye gramoty iz novgorodskikh raskopok 2002 g. [Birch Bark Manuscripts from Novgorod Excavations in 2000]. Voprosy jazykoznanija, 4, 3–11. (In Russian).

The rules of АРА Style principles are described on the official site:, as well as on many other Internet resources. Please supplement each entry bearing a DOI with the relevant DOI reference (see the list above). The bibliography can also be made up using various automatic citation generators such as Scribb

The ALA-LC Romanization tables:

For romanization you may also use numerous automatic systems of transliteration, e.g. for the items in Russian: (in the pull-down menu «варианты...» choose LC, i.e. Library of Congress).

Please, be attentive while formatting your manuscript. Good quality formatting will considerably facilitate the process of peer-reviewing and the subsequent technical editing of your paper.