Dr. Milan Harvalík

Current position:
Head of the Department of Onomastics, Institute for the Czech Language of the AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic
Contact information:
Institute for the Czech Language of the AS CR
Department of Onomastics
1, Valentinská 
Prague, 11646, Czech Republic
Membership in editorial boards of journals:
Acta onomastica (Czech Republic), executive editor
Rivista Italiana di Onomastica (Italy)
Onoma (Sweden, Netherlands)
Positions in ICOS boards:
President of the Executive Committee
ICOS Bibliography Group, member
ICOS Terminology Group, member
Positions in the International Committee of Slavists (ICS):
Commission for Onomastics, member
Research areas: Czech dialectology and onomastics, standartization of proper names, onomastic terminology 
Main publications:
UNO Gazetteers of Geographical Names: CZ. Toponymic Guidelines of the Czech Republic. Prague, 1997 (co-authored).
Exonyme und Standardisierung fremder geographischer Namen im Tschechischen // Onoma. Vol. 35 (2000). S. 229-257.
Tschechische Namenforschung in den Jahren 1993-1999 // Onoma. Vol. 35 (2000). P. 19-69.
Synchronní a diachronní aspekty české onymie. Praha, 2004.
Stav onomastiky // Słowiańska onomastyka: Encyklopedia. Vol. 1. Warszawa; Kraków, 2002. S. 97-100.
Hofnamen // Namenarten und ihre Erforschung : Ein Lehrbuch für das Studium der Onomastik. Hamburg, 2004. S. 415-425.
Slovník pomístních jmen v Čechách. I (A). Praha, 2005 (co-authored).
Towards a New Millennium – Towards a Common Onomastic Terminology? // Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Uppsala, 2005. P. 161-171.
External links: