2024, Volume 21, Issue 1

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Alexandra Igorevna Chivarzina
Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Review of the book: Jačeva-Ulčar, E. (2022). Prezimeto kaj Makedoncite [Surnames of the Macedonians]. Skopje: Menora. 188 p.

For citation
Chivarzina, A. I. (2024). Surnames as a Reflection of Interethnic Contacts within a Multinational Country. Review of the book: Jačeva-Ulčar, E. (2022). Prezimeto kaj Makedoncite [Surnames of the Macedonians]. Skopje: Menora. 188 p. Voprosy onomastiki, 21(1), 225–231. https://doi.org/10.15826/vopr_onom.2024.21.1.012

Received on 6 July 2023
Accepted on 15 September 2023

Abstract: In 2022, lexicologist Elka Jačeva-Ulčar published a book in Macedonian, which has garnered attention for its utility and interest not only among specialists such as Macedonians, lexicologists, and onomatologists, but also among a broader readership intrigued by the historical evolution of language as related to the history of a country. Drawing upon published dictionaries and recent field research, the book provides a comprehensive analysis of the contemporary Macedonian surname system. It delves into various aspects including the motivating bases, prevalent suffixes in Macedonian surnames, and other facets pertaining to the formation and usage of surnames within the diverse population of the Republic of North Macedonia. The review recognizes the significant contribution of Elka Jačeva-Ulčar to contemporary Slavic and particularly Macedonian studies, as well as to Balkan studies in general. The researcher’s interest extends beyond the Macedonian language to those spoken by other inhabitants of the region, evaluating their impact on the Macedonian anthroponymicon. Individual sections of the book under review examine each Balkan community and their historical interactions with Macedonians, providing examples of surnames and linguistic elements that may have been assimilated into Macedonian. The study is particularly valuable for its insights into the linguistic heritage of the region’s minor ethnic groups.

Keywords: anthroponymy; Slavic languages; Macedonian language; Aromanian language; Balkan studies; personal names; surnames; nicknames

The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project No 22-18-00484 Slavic–non-Slavic Borderlands: Funeral and Memorial Rite in Ethno-linguistic Coverage) (https://rscf.ru/en/project/22-18-00484/).


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