2021, Volume 18, Issue 2

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Anastasia V. Dmitrieva
Ural Federal University
Ekaterinburg, Russia

Precedent Names in Russian Political Advertising: Representation of Value-Based Standards and Cultural Symbols

Voprosy onomastiki, 2021, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 177–195 (in Russian)
DOI: 10.15826/vopr_onom.2021.18.2.025

Received on 14 April 2021

Abstract: The article considers the specificity of precedent proper names as universal value-based standards and cultural symbols in the texts of Russian political advertisement. The axiological aspect is at the core of the pragmatic impact made by political advertising on the target audience. The research material involves political advertising texts issued during presidential and parliamentary campaigns in Russia in 1993–2018. The author distinguishes between the notions of ‘standard’ and ‘symbol’ as ways of conveying value-based meanings. In the first case, it is the connotative use of proper names and the “rating scale” of evaluation that matter the most. In the second case, both denotative and connotative ways of using precedent names are possible while the rating features are optional. Moreover, unlike names-standards, symbolic names express a particular idea implicitly, not explicitly. Precedent names with value meanings can be rendered both verbally and by means of precedent visual phenomena having an associative link with onomastic units. A significant role in forming value-based connotations is played by the context in which proper names are used. The study has allowed to reveal the following axiological categories represented by precedent names and non-verbal signs: standards of hero, heroic deed, creator, scientist, positive traits of character and beauty; symbols of heroism, patriotism, Russian culture and art. It is demonstrated that proper names connected with the latter three values are most frequent in Russian political advertising texts. A special role is played by names associated with the Great Patriotic War and space exploration as well as names conveying orthodox values.

Keywords: precedent proper name, precedent sign, precedent visual phenomenon, value-based standard, cultural symbol, value, multimodal text, political advertisement.

The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-312-90025.


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