Liliya Z. Podberezkina
Siberian Federal University
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
The Onomasticon of “Stolbists”
Voprosy onomastiki, 2019, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 91–109 (in Russian)
DOI: 10.15826/vopr_onom.2019.16.3.033
Received 13 May 2018
Abstract: The article studies proper names (toponyms and anthroponyms) and specific terms used among the “Stolbists,” a group of people practicing free climbing (without rigging equipment) on the rocks of the Stolby (“Pillars”) Nature Reserve in the vicinities of Krasnoyarsk. Over 150 years of existence, it has evolved into a full-fledged community brought together by a shared location (the Stolby Natural Complex), general occupation (regular visits to the reserve, climbing practice, joint leisure), a special lifestyle and traditions: holidays, festivals, competitions, fun events, games, “popular circus” (demonstration of artful tricks on the rocks), ceremonies and customs, corporate language, etc. The naming system they use is regarded as another part of their corporate thinking. This paper considers the development and the structure of the naming patterns that apply in this community. Being essentially more than a geographical site, the reserve constitutes a unique cultural space, and “stolbism” is regarded as a unique folk tradition of Krasnoyarsk residents. The names coined by the Stolbists will most typically refer to natural geographical objects (rocks, stones, streams, clearings, terrain details, etc.), as well as their own infrastructure: huts, companies, climbing, tricks, rock sections, individual peaks, paths, etc. The analysis concerns different naming techniques such as semantic derivation (including metaphorical reference), affix derivation, transonymization, proper names appellativization. Instances of onomastic awareness of the “Stolbists” featured in names evaluation, puns, and cases of folk etymology are viewed as a reflection of their language worldview.
Keywords: corporate language, Stolby Nature Reserve, columnists, onomasticon, naming, metaphor, metonymy.
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