2019, Volume 16, Issue 3
Andrey A. Garanin The Use of Eponyms in Modern Medical Terminology
Voprosy onomastiki, 2019, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 110–124 (in Russian) Received 15 June 2018 Abstract: The paper examines the use of eponymic terms in different subsystems of medical terminology based on specialized dictionaries and reference books on the topic, offering the most complete collection of eponymous names of diseases and their signs. Historical and statistical data serve to explain and outline the diversity of sources eponymous terms can originate from, including information about scientists and countries whose proper names have come to denote medical phenomena and concepts. The authors pay special attention to eponymic derivatives forming the basis of modern medical clinical terminology in Russian, their relation to the names of medical scientists who first discovered and described certain phenomena in the process of research and in the course of medical practice. The naming features of symptoms, reflexes, tests, laws, phenomena, as well as symptom complexes, syndromes, and diseases of eponymic origin are studied in relation to the nationality of the cognominal figure, with due observations on the historical, cultural, and economic preconditions that influenced the formation of eponymic terms. The names of symptoms and diseases are classified according to their affiliation with the main clinical sections of medicine, followed by explanations and comments on the distribution logic, qualitative and quantitative features of the eponymic terms. Consequently, the paper discusses naming patters for the formation of eponymic terms in the clinical nomenclature and their quantitative assessment. The conclusion deals with the advantages and negative effects of using eponymic terminology, the role of eponymic terms in medical science and clinical practice. Keywords: eponym, eponymic term, medical terminology, nominative pattern, names of symptoms, names of syndromes. References Bekisheva, E. V. (2007). Formy iazykovoi reprezentatsii gnoseologicheskikh kategorii v klinicheskoi terminologii [Forms of Linguistic Representation of Epistemological Categories in Clinical Terminology] (Doctoral dissertation). Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia. Blau, M. G. (2010). Sud’ba eponimov: 300 istorii proiskhozhdeniia nazvanii [The Story of Eponyms: 300 Cases of the Origin of Names]. Moscow: ENAS. Golovach, I. Yu. (2013). Biografiia doktora Fridrikha Vegenera, opisavshego granulematoznyi sistemnyi vaskulit. Chto nam izvestno o ego natsistskom proshlom? [Biography of Dr. Friedrich Wegener, who Described Granulomatous Vasculitis. What Do we Know about his Nazi Past?]. Ukrainskii revmatologicheskii zhurnal, 52(2), 104–107. Izvekova, T. F., Grishchenko, E. V., & Purtov, A. S. (2014). Eponimy v meditsinskoi terminologii [Eponyms in Medical Terminology]. Meditsina i obrazovanie v Sibiri, 3. Retrieved from ngmu.ru/cozo/mos/article/ pdf.php?id=1365. Kakzanova, E. M. (2011). Lingvokognitivnye i kul’turologicheskie osobennosti nauchnogo diskursa (na materiale matematicheskikh i meditsinskikh terminov-eponimov [Linguistic, Cognitive and Cultural Characteristics of Scientific Discourse (Based on Mathematical and Medical Eponymous Terms)] (Doctoral dissertation). Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Kondratyev, D. K. (2008). Sovremennaia meditsinskaia eponimicheskaia terminologiia [Modern Medical Eponymous Terminology]. Zhurnal Grodnenskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta, 3(23), 129–131. Leichik, V. M. (2011). Obsuzhdenie problem eponimii v sovremennoi nauke [Discussion of Eponymy Problems in Modern Science]. In V. Yu. Melikian (Ed.), Iazyk i parvo [Language and Law] (pp. 134–142). Rostov on Don: Rostizdat. Smirnova, E. V. (2014). Strukturnye osobennosti obrazovaniia eponimov v meditsinskoi terminologii [Structural Features of Eponyms Formation in Medical Terminology]. Vestnik gumanitarnogo fakul’teta Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo khimiko-tekhnologicheskogo universiteta, 6, 100–103. Strous, R. D., & Morris, C. E. (2007). Eponyms and the Nazi Era: Time to Remember and Time for Change. Israel Medical Association Journal, 9, 3, 207–214. Tritenko, T. V. (2011). Mifologicheskie obrazy v iazyke klinicheskoi psikhologii [Mythological Characters in the Language of Clinical Psychology] (Doctoral dissertation). Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Varnavskaia, E. V. (2009). Status i funktsionirovanie eponimov v meditsinskoi terminologii ispanskogo iazyka [Status and Functioning of Eponyms in the Medical Terminology of the Spanish Language] (Doctoral dissertation). Voronezh State University, Voronezh. Whitworth, J. A. (2007). Should eponyms be abandoned? No. British Medical Journal, 335, 7617, 426. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.39308.380567.AD Woywodt, A., & Matteson, E. (2007). Should eponyms be abandoned? Yes. British Medical Journal, 335, 7617, 424–425. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.39308.342639.AD |
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