2019, Volume 16, Issue 1
Natalia M. Zaika Distribution of Locative Surnames in the South-West of France
Voprosy onomastiki, 2019, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp. 36–52 (in Russian) Received 1 February 2018 Abstract: The article deals with locative surnames in the South-West of France in terms of their quantitative representation and distribution among other types of surnames derived from first names, professions, nicknames, etc. The first 50 surnames in each of the 36 departments are analysed for the period of 1881–1915, based on data from the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques, INSEE). The number of surnames referring to places of residence or topographic features is evaluated and visualized as maps demonstrating that the decrease in the number of toponymic surnames is lower in the North-East than in the Pyrenees or the Atlantic coast. The heterogeneous distribution of locative surnames in the South-West of France is accounted for in terms of geography, economics, and linguistics (mountain ranges impede the expansion of locative surnames; the number of locative surnames in big cities is lower than in small towns, different proportions of locative surnames are typical of Occitan- and French-speaking areas). Furthermore, locative surnames are analysed in detail in terms of their meaning. Even in the departments rich in locative surnames, the relative frequency of semantic subtypes can be different. Thus, the number of surnames derived from man-made landmarks (Elissalde < Basque ‘near the church,’ Laffitte < Occitan ‘boundary mark’) decreases from south-west to north-east. As a result, it turns out that in Occitan-speaking area compound nouns are more typical of the Bearn region, bordering the Basque Country. 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