2018, Volume 15, Issue 1
Gbenga Fakuade A Shift in Batonu Personal Naming Practices
Voprosy onomastiki, 2018, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 134–154 (in English) Received 8 November 2018 Abstract: The contact of the Batonu people with Arab traders and Islamic missionaries back in the 16th century resulted in the Batonu people’s embrace of Islam which has brought profound effects on most of the traditional practices of the Batonu people. Before the Batonu people converted to Islam, every Batonu child had been given a Batonu name at birth based on order of birth, gentility, circumstance of birth, parents’ occupation, natural phenomena, etc. Such child was expected to be known and addressed by that name both within and outside the community. Today, this custom seems endangered as most Batonu people now bear Muslim names given to them at birth. Thus, this paper examines the shift in the personal naming practices of the Batonu people of Nigeria. The study identifi es religious inclination, the rigid personal naming practices of the people, tendency to mask identity and political/socio-economic drives as remote causes of the shift. This shift has led to a drastic decline of traditional Batonu personal names, reflecting the cultural uprooting and the loss of indigenous vocabulary. Recognizing that restoration of traditional Batonu personal naming practices would be almost impossible, the authors propose two onomastic cultural reclamation strategies: the “weak-open reversal” and the “reversal by syncretism” — to provide for appreciable revival and sustenance of these. Keywords: Batonu (Bariba, Baatonum) language, Niger-Congo languages, personal naming practices, anthroponomy, Muslim personal names, socio-onomastics References Adegbija, E. (1994). Language Attitudes in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Sociolinguistic Overview. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd. Agbontaen-Eghafona, K. A. (2007). Factors in Personal Naming and Name Change in Postcolonial Southern Nigeria. Nomina Africana, 21(1/2), 105–125. Arai, M., & Thoursie, P. S. (2008). Renouncing Personal Names: An Empirical Examination of Surname Change and Earnings. Journal of Labor Economics, 27(1), 127–135. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/593964 Bariki, I. (2007). Naming in French and Izon: In Search of Common Traits. Wilberforce Island Review, 3, 65–78. Dakubu, M. E. K. (2000). Personal Names of the Dagomba. Research Review New Series, 16(2), 53–65. Fakuade, G. (1995). Language Contact and Language Conflict: The Kuteb-Jukun Case in Taraba State, Nigeria (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ilorin: University of Ilorin. Fakuade, G. (1996–1997). Bachama–Mbula Linguistic Situation: Its Implication for the Implementation of the National Policy on Education. Annals of Borno, 13/14, 41–48. Fitzpatrick, L. A. (2012). African Names and Naming Practices: The Impact Slavery and European Domination had on the African Psyche, Identity and Protest (M.A. Thesis). Columbus: The Ohio State University. Harrison, K. D. (1999). Naming Practices and Ethnic Identity in Tuva. In S. J. Billings, J. P. Boyle, & A. M. Griffith (Eds.), CLS 35. Part 2: Papers from the Panels (pp. 69–79). Chicago, Ill: CLS. Johnstone, B. (2000). Qualitative Methods in Sociolinguistics. New York: OUP. Machaba, A. M. (2004). Naming, Identity and the African Renaissance in South African Context (unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Milroy, L. (1989). Language and Social Networks. Oxford: Blackwell. Moyo, T. (1996). Personal Names and Naming Practices in Northern Malawi. Nomina Africana, 10(1/2), 10–19. Moyo, T. (2012). Naming Practices in Colonial and Post-colonial Malawi. Inkanyiso, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 10–16. Ngubane, S., & Thabethe, N. (2013). Shifts and Continuities in Zulu Personal Naming Practices. Literator, 34(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/lit.v34i1.431 Rasinger, S. M. (2013). Quantitative Research in Linguistics: An Introduction. London: Bloomsbury. Sanusi, I. O. (2002). The Syntax of Double Object Constructions in Batonu (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Iliorin: University of Ilorin. |
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