Igor V. Brodsky
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Anthroponyms in Finno-Permic Compound Plant Names
Voprosy onomastiki, 2017, Volume 14, Issue 2, pp. 90–99
DOI: 10.15826/vopr_onom.2017.14.2.012
Received 23 September 2016
Abstract: With reference to Finno-Permic languages (a branch of Finno-Ugric languages excluding Ugric languages), the article analyses compound names of plants (phytonyms) containing Permic languages, which, inter alia, can be explained by the incompleteness of collected data. Most of phytonyms with anthroponymic elements are attested in the Finnish and Estonian languages, while in the other Finno-Permic languages such attestations are rare. The anthroponyms appearing in names of plants are divided into two groups: a) personal names of Biblical origin (e.g. Finnish Aapraham, Aatam, Jeesus, Maaria), b) other anthroponyms. In the first group, the most numerous are Balto-Fennic phytonyms with the names Johannes and Maria and their national variants. The name Johannes (Finnish Juhannus, Estonian Jaan) is most often present in the names of herbaceous plants flourishing in the period of celebration of Saint John’s Eve. Traditionally, this feast is associated with numerous rites and customs in which some plants play a significant role. An interesting formal feature of Balto-Fennic deanthroponymic compound names of plants is alliteration, i.e. repetition of identical or similar sound clusters in the beginning of each part of the word, as in Finnish liisanlilukka ‘stone bramble,’ simonsien’ ‘chanterelle, girolle’.
Keywords: Finno-Ugric languages, Balto-Fennic languages, anthroponyms, plant names, phytonym, phytonymy, motivational analysis, ethnolinguistics
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