2016, Volume 13, Issue 1
Lyubov A. Feoktistova Towards a Methodology for the Analysis of Associative-Derivational Meaning of a Personal Name
Voprosy onomastiki, 2016, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 85–116 (in Russian) Received 9 February 2016 Abstract: Based on appellative lexical units derived from the Russian personal name Ivan, as well as on idioms with this name, the author advances an analytical approach for the investigation into the associative-derivational meaning of a personal name. The approach suggested in this article relies on the theoretical model of the meaning of a proper name proposed by Marina Golomidova and complemented by Elena Berezovich. The model distinguishes two ranges of semantic properties. The first one, “vertical”, represents an hierarchical set of components similar to those of an appellative meaning (conceptual core, pragmatic meanings and semantic relations). The second one, “horizontal”, covers all possible semantic “spreadings” of the name determined by its capacity to participate in derivational processes. Thus, each fact of secondary (appellative or quasi-appellative) use of a name can be represented as a projection of one or several constituents of its original proprial meaning. The article focuses on those elements of the proprial meaning which pertain to the semantic core: general and particular “categorial” meanings (determining the opposition of the name to an appellative and to other categories of names), individualizing semantic component (reference to a particular denotatum), but also information on the name’s use and its connotations. The semantic field formed by the derivatives from the name Ivan provides rich data for such theoretical observations. It also enables to extend and to specify the original theoretical model by adding gender and ethnic semantic components pertaining respectively to the semantic core and the pragmatic zone of the proprial meaning. The author also points out that deonyms may have multiple motivations when several semantic components of the name are actualized simultaneously or due to other systemic linguistic mechanisms (extension of an existing pattern of deonymic derivation, influence of the connotative background of other similarly sounding names, etc.). Key words: Russian language, anthroponym, meaning of a personal name, connotation, deonymization, appellativization, derivational family of a name References Afanasyeva-Medvedeva, G. V. (2007–). Slovar’ govorov russkikh starozhilov Baikal’skoi Sibiri [Dictionary of the Dialect of Old-Timers of the Lake Baikal Region] (Vols. 1–). Saint Petersburg: Nauka; Irkutsk: [s. n.]. Bakhvalova, T. V. (Ed.). (1989–). Slovar’ orlovskih govorov: ucheb. posobie po russkoj dialektologii [Dictionary of Orel Dialects. A Handbook of Russian Dialectology] (Vols. 1–). Yaroslavl: Yaroslav. gos. pedinstitut; Orel: Orlov. gos. un-t. Beloborodov, V. K. (2007). 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