2014 №2 (17)
Marina V. Golomidova Addressee’s Image in Names of PeriodicalsVoprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics), 2014, Issue 2 (17), pp. 112–119 (in Russian) Received 22 September 2014 Abstract: The article explores the ways of creating addressee’s images in contemporary hemeronyms — names of periodicals. The authors point out the semiotic specificity of hemeronyms used to identify collections of texts united, inter alia, by unified editorial policies and informational conceptions. The addressee factor is important for the pragmatics of naming periodicals and inventing hemeronyms, which are an integrated part of the media discourse. Based on Charles Sanders Peirce’s semiotics, the authors analyze the iconic, indexical and symbolic codes of marking the addressee in the vocabulary constituting contemporary Russian hemeronyms. The semiotic approach results in establishing different levels of the edition’s target audience portrayal and revealing the most frequent devices of its representation in derivative names. The general theoretical suggestions are than illustrated with an analysis of the names of Russian periodicals for women, this leads to precise the communicative and interpretative potential of iconic, indexical and symbolic codes, which differently participate in presenting the edition’s content or creating its unique image. The observations set forth in the paper may be applied for naming new magazines and newspapers. Key words: Russian language, hemeronym, names of periodicals, addressee’s image, target audience, semiotic classification, motivational semantics, pragmatics References Fedosova, O. I. (2010). Lingvisticheskii status gemeronima (na materiale rossiiskikh i britanskikh nazvanii SMI) [Linguistic Status of Hemeronyms (With Reference to Russian and British Names of Periodicals)]. Izvestiia Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta, 5 (49), 76–80. Kaminskaya, T. L. (2009). Obraz adresata v tekstakh massovoi kommunikatsii: semantiko-pragmaticheskoe issledovanie [The Image of Addressee in Media: A Semantic and Pragmatic Research] (Doctoral dissertation). Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg. Peirce, Ch. S. (2000). Nachala pragmatizma [Issues of Pragmatism]. Saint Petersburg: Laboratoriia metafizicheskikh issledovanii filosofskogo fakul’teta SPbGU, Aleteiia. Podolskaya, N. V. (1988). Slovar’ russkoi onomasticheskoi terminologii [A Dictionary of Russian Onomastic Terminology]. Moscow: Nauka. Smeyukha, V. V. (2011). Sovremennye tipy zhenskoi pressy: sootvetstvie informatsionnym interesam gendernogo adresata [Contemporary Types of Periodicals for Women: The Problem of Compliance of the Content with the Informational Interests of the Gender Addressee]. Iazykovye i filologicheskie issledovaniia, 3(1), 3–10. Sotsiologicheskie metodiki analiza auditorii SMI dlia empiricheskoi verifikatsii ikh auditornykh tipologicheskikh kharakteristik [Sociological Methods of the Study of Media’s Target Audiences for the Empirical Verification of Their Typological Characteristics]. Retrieved from http://mediaspb.spbu.ru/part6/60.html?wr |