2013 №1 (14)

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Vladislav V. Alpatov
Moscow City Teacher Training University
Moscow, Russia

Toponomastics in Great Britain (20th–21st Centuries): History and Main Directions of Research

Voprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics), 2013, Issue 1 (14), pp 112–131
(in Russian)

Abstract: The paper offers a review of toponymic research in England and, partially, in other regions of the United Kingdom. The author analyzes the forms of organization of research communities, their activities and main scientific projects (notably, those of the English Place-Name Society), the development of British place-name studies in the 20th and 21st centuries. The author also considers publications dealing with general problems of toponymy, geographic names of foreign origin (above all, Scandinavian and Celtic) as well as with different classes of place-names.

Key words: English language, onomastics, toponymy, place-name studies, English Place-Name Society, methods of toponymic research


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