Nadezhda M. Ivashova
Ural State University
Ekaterinburg, Russia
On One of the Earliest Monuments of Russian Toponymic Lexicography ("Izjasneniye Nekotorykh Korelskikh Slov…" by P. P. Svinjin, 1829)
Citation information: Voprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics). 2010. № 2 (9). P. 101–105 (in Russian)
Abstract: The paper contains lexicographic treatment of one of the earliest monuments of Russian toponymic lexicography (1829). The small research in dictionary format of etymology of place-names in the Russian North, based on translation of local names from Karelian, is interesting from the point of view of forming the microstructure of future toponymic dictionaries, as well as methods of dictionary description of a place-name, especially of its etymology. The author conducts a lexicographic analysis of the dictionary entries and assesses reliability of some etymologies.
Key words: Russian lexicography, toponymic lexicography, toponymics, dictionary entry, etymology, Baltic-Finnish languages
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