Prof. Vladimir Napolskikh

Current position:
Professor at the Department of Culture Studies and Culture Management, Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia 
Contact information:
Udmurt State University
Institute of Social Communications
1, Universitetskaya str.,
426034, Izhevsk, Russia 
Drevneishie etapy proiskhozhdeniia narodov ural'skoi iazykovoi sem'i: dannye mifologicheskoi rekonstruktsii (praural'skii kosmogonicheskii mif) [The Origin of the Peoples of the Uralic Language Family According to Mythological Reconstruction (Proto-Uralic Cosmogonic Myth)] (1992, DrHab)
Membership in academies:
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Membership in editorial boards of journals:
Arkheologiia, antropologiia i etnografiia Evrazii (Russia)
Research areas: ethnic history, history of the languages and cultures of the peoples of Northern Eurasia, of the Urals and Volga region, history of religions, history of writing, onomastics, comparative mythology
Main publications:
Drevneishie etapy proiskhozhdeniia narodov ural'skoi iazykovoi sem'i: dannye mifologicheskoi rekonstruktsii (praural'skii kosmogonicheskii mif) [The Origin of the Peoples of the Uralic Language Family According to Mythological Reconstruction (Proto-Uralic Cosmogonic Myth)]. Мoscow, 1991. 
Kak Vukuze stal sozdatelem sushi. Udmurtskii mif o sotvorenii zemli i drevneishaia istoriia narodov Evrazii [How Vukuze Created the Earth. The Udmurt Cosmogonic Myth and the Ancient History of the peoples of Eurasia]. Izhevsk, 1993. 
Uralic original home: history of studies. A preliminary review. Izhevsk, 1995.  
Vvedenie v istoricheskuiu uralistiku [An Introduction to Historical Uralic Studies]. Izhevsk, 1997.  
Udmurtskie materialy D. G. Messershmidta. Dnevnikovye zapisi, dekabr' 1726 g. [Udmurt materials of D. G. Messerschmidt. Journal, December 1726]. Izhevsk, 2001.  
Die Vorslaven im unteren Kamagebiet in der Mitte des 1. Jahrtausends unserer Zeitrechnung: Permisches Sprachmaterial. Finnisch-ugrische Mitteilungen. Hamburg, 1996. Bd. 18/19. S. 97–106.
Zu den ältesten Beziehungen zwischen Finno-Ugriern und zentraleuropäischen Indogermanen. Finno-Ugrians and Indo-Europeans: linguistic and literary contacts. Proceedings of the Symposium at the University of Groningen, November 22–24, 2001. Maastricht, 2002. Р. 265–271.
The Earth-Diver myth (A812) in Northern Eurasia and North America: twenty years later. Mythic Discourses. Studies in Uralic Traditions. Helsinki, 2012. Р. 120-140.
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