Prof. Fjodor Uspenskij
Current position:
Head of the Centre for Slavic-Germanic Studies, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Contact information:
32-А, Leninsky av., 119991, Moscow, Russia
Institute of Slavic Studies of the RAS
Slaviano-skandinavskie kontakty perioda khristianizatsii: na materiale iazykovykh dannykh [Slavic-Scandinavian Contacts during the Conversion Period: Linguistic Evidence] (2000, Phd)
Dinasticheskoe imia v Skandinavii i na Rusi [The Dynastic Name in Medieval Scandinavia and Rus] (2005, DrHab)
Membership in academies:
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Membership in editorial boards of journals:
Slověne. International Journal of Slavic Studies (Russia, editor-in-chief)
Research areas: Old Scandinavian Law, Scandinavian Church History, early Icelandic grammatical literature and poetics, Scandinavian anthroponymy, Russian History, Russian Literature.
Main publications:
Imia i vlast': vybor imeni kak instrument dinasticheskoi bor'by v srednevekovoi Skandinavii [Name and Power: The Choice of the Name As an Instrument of the Dynastic Struggle in Medieval Scandinavia]. Мoscow, 2002.
Name und Macht: Die Wahl des Namens als dynastisches Kampfinstrument im mittelalterlichen Skandinavien. Frankfurt am Main, 2004.
Vybor imeni u russkikh kniazei v X - XVI vv.: Dinasticheskaia istoriia skvoz' prizmu antroponimiki [The Choice of Names by the 10th-16th Centuries Russian Princes: Dynastic History through the Lens of Anthroponymy]. Мoscow, 2006 (co-authored with A. F. Litvina).
Imenoslov: istoricheskaia semantika imeni [The Historical Semantics of a Name]. Мoscow, 2007 (co-authored with A. F. Litvina).
Tri dogadki o stikhakh Osipa Mandelshtama [Three Conjectures on Osip Mandelshtam's Poetry]. Мoscow, 2008.
Traektorii traditsii: Glavy iz istorii dinastii i tserkvi na Rusi kontsa XI — nachala XIII veka [Tradition's Pathways: Essays on the History of the Dynasty and Church in the Late 11th - Early 13th Centuries]. Мoscow, 2010 (co-authored with A. F. Litvina).
Inocheskie imena na Rusi [Monastic Names in Rus]. Мoscow, 2017 (co-authored with B. A. Uspenskij).
External links: