Prof. Anatoly Zhuravlev

Current positions:
Leading Research Fellow, Department of Slavic Linguistics, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Head of the Department of Etymology and Onomastics, Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Head of the Laboratory of Etymology, Moscow State University, Russia
Contact information:
32-А, Leninsky av., office 906
119991, Moscow, Russia
Institute of Slavic Studies of the RAS
Department of Slavic Linguistics
Vostochnoslavian­skaia obriadovaia skotovodcheskaia leksika i frazeologiia v etnolingvisticheskom aspekte [East Slavic Ritual Cattle-Breeding Vocabulary and Phraseology in the Ethnolinguistic Aspect] (1983, PhD)
Leksikostatisticheskoe modelirovanie sistemy slavianskogo iazykovogo rodstva [Lexicostatistical Model of the Genetic Relationship of the Slavic Languages] (1992, DrHab)
Positions in the International Committee of Slavists (ICS):
Commission for Etymology, member
Commission for Lexicology and Lexicography, member
Membership in editorial boards of journals:
Voprosy jazykoznanija (Russia)
Russkij jazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii (Russia)
Russkaja rech' (Russia)
Research areas: lexicology and lexicography, onomasiology, linguistic statistics, East Slavic dialectology and areal linguistics, Russian and Slavic onomastics, etymology, reconstruction of dialectal division of the Proto-Slavic language, Slavic folklore and ethnography
Main publications:
K utochneniiu predstavlenii o slavianskikh izoglossakh. Dopolneniia k leksicheskim materialam «Etimologicheskogo slovaria slavianskikh iazykov» [On the Specification of Slavic Isoglosses. Addenda to Lexical Materials of the Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Languages]. (Parts 1—2). Мoscow, 1990.
Leksikostatisticheskoe modelirovanie sistemy slavianskogo iazykovogo rodstva [Lexicostatistical Model of the Genetic Relationship of the Slavic Languages]. Мoscow, 1994.
Domashnii skot v pover'iakh i magii vostochnykh slavian. Etnograficheskie i etnolingvisticheskie ocherki [Livestock in the Eastern Slavs' Popular Believes and Magic. Ethnolinguistic Essays]. Мoscow, 1994.
Iazyk i mif. Lingvisticheskii kommentarii k trudu A. N. Afanas'eva «Poeticheskie vozzreniia slavian na prirodu» [Language and Myth. Linguistic Commentaries on A. N. Afanasyev's "Slavs' Poetical Views on the Nature"]. Мoscow, 2005.
Etimologicheskii slovar' slavianskikh iazykov [Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Languages] (editor, Vols. 32—).
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