Prof. Per Ambrosiani

Current position:
Professor, Deptartment of Language Studies, Umeå University, Sweden
Contact information:
Dept. of Language Studies
Umeå University
SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
On Church Slavonic Accentuation: The Accentuation of a Russian Church Slavonic Gospel Manuscript from the 15th Century (1991, PhD)
Membership in editorial boards of journals:
Scando-Slavica (Sweden)
Research areas: onomastics, early Slavic manuscripts and printed books, translation studies
Main publications:
On Church Slavonic accentuation. The accentuation of a Russian Church Slavonic gospel manuscript from the fifteenth century. Stockholm, 1991.
Toponimika Novgorodskoi zemli v Novgorodskom okkupatsionnom arkhive g. Stokgol'ma: Dudorovskii pogost [Novgorod Toponymy in Novgorod Occupation Archives of the City of Stockholm: Dudorovsky Graveyard]. In B. Englund Dimitrova & A. Pereswetoff-Morath (eds.). In: Swedish Contributions to the Thirteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ljubljana, 15–21 August 2003 (pp. 7–20). Lund 2003.
Textological, orthographic, and accentual variation in Medieval Slavic manuscripts. Scando-Slavica, 51: 81–96.
Parallel'nye nazvaniia v pribaltiisko-finskoi i russkoi oikonimii Ingermanlandii [Parallel Names in Balto-Fennic and Russian Oikonymy of Ingria]. Voprosy onomastiki, 6: 83–92.
Nazvaniia pogostov v dokumentakh Novgorodskogo Okkupatsionnogo arkhiva – metodologicheskie aspekty sostavleniia ukazatelia toponimov [Names of Graveyards in the documents of Novgorod Occupation Archives. Methodological Aspects of Creation of a Toponymic Index]. In E. Löfstrand & G. Kovalenko (eds.), Novgorodiana Stockholmiensia (pp. 51–62). Stockholm, 2012.