Dr. Natalia Vasil'eva
Current position:
Principal Research Fellow at the Sector of Applied Linguistics, Institute of Linguistics of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
Contact information:
1/1, Kislovsky Ln, Rm 27
Moscow, 125009, Russia
Institute of Linguistics of the RAS
Sector of Applied Linguistics
Greko-latinskie elementy v lingvisticheskoi terminologii [Greek and Latin Elements in Linguistic Terminology] (1983, PhD)
Sobstvennoe imia v tekste: integrativnyi podkhod [Proper Name in Text: An Integrated Approach] (2005, DrHab)
Research areas: textual onomastics, terminology, lexicography
Main publications:
Eksperimental'nyi sistemnyi tolkovyi slovar' stilisticheskikh terminov [An Experimental Systemic Explanatory Dictionary of Stylistic Terms]. Moscow, 1996 (co-authored with S. E. Nikitina)
Kratkii slovar' lingvisticheskikh terminov [A Concise Dictionary of Linguistic Terms]. Moscow, 2003 (co-authored with V. A. Vinogradov and A. M. Shakhnarovich).
Institutionsnamen. In: Namenarten und ihre Erforschung. Ein Lehrbuch fuer das Studium der Onomastik. Hamburg, 2004, S. 607-621.
Literarische Onomastik in Russland: Versuch eines Portraits. Onoma. Vol. 40, 2005. P. 373-395.
Onomasticheskie stereotipy [Onomastic Stereotypes]. In: Stereotipy v iazyke, kommunikatsii i kul'ture [Stereotypes in Language, Communication and Culture]. Moscow, 2009. P. 93-100.
Sobstvennoe imia v mire teksta [A Proper Name in the World of the Text]. Мoscow, 2005 (2nd ed. 2009).
Perechislenie imen kak diskursivnyi priem [An Enumeration of Names as a Dicoursive Technique]. In: Onomastikas pētījumi. Vallijas Dambes 100. dzimšanas dienai veltītās konferences materiāli [Onomastic Investigations. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Vallija Dambe]. Rīga, 2014. Р. 228-240.
Traditsionnoe i novoe v russkoi toponimicheskoi terminologii [Traditions and Innovations in Russian Toponymic Terminology]. In: Mikrotoponimia i makrotoponimia. Problematyka wstępna [Microtoponymy and Macrotoponymy. Preliminary problems]. Łódź, 2014. P. 117-126.