Ass. Prof. Lyubov Feoktistova

Current position:
Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language, General Linguistics and Speech Communication, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Contact information:
Ural Federal University
Faculty of Philology, office 306
51, Lenin av., Ekaterinburg, 620000, Russia
Nominativnoe voploshchenie abstraktnoi idei (na materiale russkoi leksiki so znacheniem ‘propast', ischeznut'’) [Naming an Abstract Idea: Russian Words with the Meaning 'Disappearance'] (2003, PhD)
Membership in editorial boards of journals:
Etnolingwistyka: problemy języka i kultury (Poland)
Research areas: onomastics (anthroponymy), Slavic ethnolinguistics, Russian dialectal lexicology and lexicography, etymology
Main publications:
Etnolingvisticheskie issledovaniia v Ural'skom universitete [Ethnolinguistic Research in Ural University]. Etnolingwistyka. 2006, Vol. 18. P. 29–46.
K voprosu o vzaimodeistvii iskonnogo i zaimstvovannogo v severnorusskoi leksike so znacheniem ‘propast', ischeznut'’ [On the Interaction of Inherited and Loan Words Meaning 'Disappearance' in the Dialects of the Russian North]. Leksicheskii atlas russkikh narodnykh govorov – 2008 [Lexical Atlas of Russian Dialects – 2008]. Saint Petersburg, 2008. P. 428–440.
«Kar'era» i «kar'erizm» v istorii russkogo i pol'skogo iazykov ['Career' and 'Careerism' in the History of the Russian and Polish Languages]. Etnolingwistyka. 2009, Vol. 21. P. 153–169.
Onomastika i otonomasticheskaia leksika v zhargone zheleznodorozhnikov [Names and Their Derivatives in the Railway Workers' Jargon]. Voprosy onomastiki. 2010, 2 (9). P. 69–85.
Apelliativnye derivaty lichnogo imeni i ego semantika (na materiale russkogo i pol'skogo iazykov) [Appellative Derivatives of a Personal Name and Its Meaning]. Iazyk i proshloe naroda [Language and the Past of a People]. Ekaterinburg, 2012. P. 229–241.