Acad. Svetlana Tolstaya

Current position:
Head of the Department of Ethnolinguistics and Folklore, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Contact information:
32-А, Leninsky av., 119991, Moscow, Russia
Institute of Slavic Studies of the RAS
Nachal'nye i konechnye sochetaniia soglasnykh v slavianskikh iazykakh [Initial and Final Groups of Consonants in the Slavic Languages] (1968, PhD)
Slavianskaia morfonologiia: osnovnye poniatiia, aspekty i metody [Slavic Morphonology: Basic Notions, Aspects and Methods] (1993, DrHab)
Membership in academies:
Full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences​
Foreign member (academician) of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts​
Positions in the International Committee of Slavists (ICS):
Commission for Ethnolinguistics, vice-president
Membership in editorial boards of journals:
Izvestija Akademii nauk: Serija literatury i jazyka (Russia)
Zhivaja starina (Russia)
Russkij jazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii (Russia)
Etnolingwistyka (Poland)
Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku (Serbia)
Research areas: Slavic ethnolinguistics, folklore and ethnography, comparative lexicology, phonetics and morphonology of the Slavic languages
Main publications:
Morfonologiia v strukture slavianskikh iazykov [Morphonology in the Structure of the Slavic Languages]. Мoscow, 1998.
Polesskii narodnyi kalendar' [Polesye Popular Calendar]. Мoscow, 2005.
Prostranstvo slova. Leksicheskaia semantika v obshcheslavianskoi perspektive [The Space of the Word. Lexical Semantics in the Light of Slavic Languages]. М., 2008.
Semanticheskie kategorii iazyka kul'tury: Ocherki po slavianskoi etnolingvistike [Semantic Categories of Language and Culture: Essays in Slavic Ethnolinguistics]. Мoscow, 2010.