2024, Volume 21, Issue 3
Vladimir Vladimirovich Napolskikh Olesya Dmitrievna Surikova REVISITING THE ETYMOLOGY OF THE ETHNONYM MORDVA
For citation Received on 30 September 2024 Abstract: The Russian term for the Erzya and Moksha Peoples, Mordva, attested since the 12th century, is an exoethnonym with no roots in the Mordvinic languages. The common theory that it was formed with the Russian collective suffix -va is inaccurate, as this suffix, in combination with nominal stems, likely did not exist in Old Russian. A grammatical analysis of the Russian term Mordva suggests that it developed within a noun-declension paradigm ending in -ū, originating from the ethnotoponym mordy. Early attestations, such as the toponym Μορδία in Constantine Porphyrogenitus’s writings (10th century) and the ethnonym Mordens (< Goth. *mordja /*mordi) in Jordanes (6th century, based on earlier 4th-century accounts), support the existence of a proto-form mordi, generally traced to the Iranian *marta-/mart(i)i̯a, meaning ‘man, mortal’. However, the exact pathways of this borrowing from Iranian remain uncertain. The ethnonymic model of “‘man, people’ → autoethnonym” is not typical for societies in early political formation stages, and in Iranian onomastics, marta alone was never used as an ethnonym. The likely source of these terms is the Iranian ethnonym (possibly originally a socionym) må̄rdi- (Avestan marəδa, Μάρδοι/Ἄμαρδοι in ancient sources), meaning “killer” — a designation for nomadic, warlike Iranian tribes of the southern and eastern Caspian regions, potentially extending further north, from the second half of the 1st millennium BC. The term reached the Volga region in the early centuries AD, carried by migrating military groups who left Andreevsko-Piseralian-type artefacts on the Volga’s right bank below the mouth of the Oka. From these Iranians, the ethnonym (or socionym) må̄rdi- was adopted by the Goths (as Mordens), passed to the Byzantines (as Μορδία), and, by the early 2nd millennium AD, entered Old Russian (as Mordians, later Mordva). 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