2023, Volume 20, Issue 1
Elena V. Dziuba Svetlana A. Eremina Yulia V. Rogozinnikova Precedent Names from Russian Literature in English-Language Cartoon
Voprosy onomastiki, 2023, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp. 202–222 (in Russian) Received on 6 July 2022 Abstract: The paper analyzes precedent names of Russian origin in polycode texts of pictorial caricature genre, published in American magazines and available in the licensed cartoonstock.com database. The particular focus is made on the names of Russian writers and poets (Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn), and the titles of Russian-language literary works featured in American caricature (War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, The Karamazov Brothers, Cherry Orchard, The Three Sisters and The GULAG Archipelago). Methodologically, the study is based on cognitive, linguo-semiotic, linguo-axiological, and contextual analysis. It is noted that the cartoons convey stereotypical ideas about the works of Russian writers: the intimidating large volume of Tolstoy’s works, and the conciseness of Chekhov’s are both treated ironically; stylistic features (Chekhov’s attention to detail; Dostoevsky’s psychological tension) are ridiculed. Content references are often superficial and only touch upon the most mundane, utilitarian issues, overlooking more complex social and psychological problems (generation gap, internal conflicts). In a truly caricatured light, the authors are depicted as money-makers, and their characters turn into comic figures of popular computer games. Some works of Russian writers are presented in an axiologically deflated way: Anton Chekhov’s plays were turned into sports competitions and ice shows, Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s GULAG Archipelago became a musical. 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