2022, Volume 19, Issue 3

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Ana-Maria Gînsac
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Iași, Romania

Dinu Moscal
A. Philippide Institute of Romanian Philology of the Romanian Academy
Iași, Romania

Mădălina Ungureanu
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Iași, Romania

The Names of Russia in Pre-modern Romanian: Problems of Translation

Voprosy onomastiki, 2022, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 177–194 (in French)
DOI: 10.15826/vopr_onom.2022.19.3.036

Received on 4 July 2021

Abstract: The article discusses the names of Russia and their formal variation in texts translated into Romanian during its pre-modern stage (ca. 1780–1830). In this period, the diversity of source languages (French, German, Italian, Serbian, Modern Greek) generated denominative and formal variation of the foreign names in translation. Other causes of this variation are the lack of translation criteria, the different alphabets and phonetic systems (Latin, Greek and Romanian-Cyrillic) that entered in contact, the role of the dominant culture languages (Latin and Greek), the preexisting traditional forms of the names and translation through intermediate sources. These factors explain the circulation of several choronyms for Russia and their lack of formal consistency in this period. The formal variation in the sources often implies a variation in Romanian from one text to another or within the same text. Although the source language usually influences the Romanian forms of the names, the Greek traits frequently appear in the texts translated from Latin-scripted sources due to the long-time and higher cultural prestige of this language. Accordingly, in the case of the name Russia, this influence is felt at the phonetic level (Rosia) and at the suprasegmental level (the paroxytone instead of the proparoxytone accentuation). Similarly, the variants Moscva and Moscfa are adaptations of the Russian Moskva. On the other hand, the translators could not ignore the reader and sometimes substituted the names from the source with a Romanian denominative expression (e.g. Împărăţiia Moscului and Ţara Moschicească for Moscovia). The names of Russia and their variants in the pre-modern Romanian provide an example of the possibilities of transposing a foreign proper name into Romanian and, at the same time, reflect the essential linguistic characteristic of the proper name, that is the very close association between the signifier and the named individuality.

Keywords: choronyms; Russia; translation strategies; adaptation; substitution; accent; premodern Romanian.


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