2022, Volume 19, Issue 3
Michał Mordań The Specificity of Formation and Use of Patronyms in the Orthodox Parish of Rajsk in the Podlasie Region in the Late 19th Century
Voprosy onomastiki, 2022, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 158–176 (in Russian) Received on 24 November 2021 Abstract: Widespread use of patronymic names among the Orthodox residents of Podlasie in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries is conditioned by its administrative affiliation to the Russian Empire and consequently, the prevalence of the Russian naming formula. This paper discusses patronymics (otchestva) attested in the Rajsk parish registers in the late 19th century. Researching the structure (including word-formation, phonetic, and graphic features) and etymology of these names, the author discovers that most of patronyms were derived from the Orthodox variants of proper names (e.g. Ilіin, Sofronіev, Filimonov; Aleksіeva, Stefanova), yet some refer to the non-canonical variants of baptismal names (e.g. Bonifatov, Tarasov; Demianova, Sebestіanova, Trokhimova), differing from the original variants by phonetic alternations. From derivation perspective, short forms of patronyms (so-called semi-patronymics, poluotchestva) e.g. Ignatіev, Matfeev, Fomov; Kondratova, Stakhіeva prevail over the full forms (Petrovich, Savvich; Epifanіevna, Ippolitovna). The presence of patronyms in the personal data allows to trace family traditions of naming children spanning three generations. Regardless of the fact that all analyzed records were made by one person, the names showcase a noticeable variability in terms of motivation, word-formation, orthography, and phonetics. It was not uncommon for the different patronymics to refer to one and the same bearer, highlighting the phenomenon of several co-existing name variants in the period in question. Keywords: onomastics; anthroponymy; patronyms; variability; parish registers; Podlasie region; Polish-Eastern Slavic Borderland. Acknowledgements References Bezborodova, Yu. V. (2013). Kharakteristika antroponimii prikhodo-raskhodnykh knig (na materiale prikhodo-raskhodnykh knig XVIII–XIX vv.) [Features of the Anthroponymy of Income-expense Books (Based on Income-expense Books of the 18th–19th Centuries)]. Vestnik Nizhnevartovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2. Retrieved from https://vestnik.nvsu.ru/2311-1402/article/view/49193/33088 Citko, L. (2001). Nazewnictwo osobowe północnego Podlasia w XVI w. Białystok: Wydawnictwo UwB. Fionik, D. (2000). Rajska ziemia cerkiewna. Bel’skі gostіnets’, 4, 13–14. Ganzhina, I. M. (2016). Ob osnovnykh tendentsiiakh antroponimicheskoi nominatsii prednatsional’nogo perioda (na materiale tverskikh pamiatnikov delovoi pis’mennosti XVI–XVIII vekov) [On the Main Trends in Personal Naming of the pre-National Period (Based on the Tver Monuments of Business Writing of the 16th–18th Centuries)]. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Filologiia, 1, 114–121. Godun, J., & Godun, I. (2012). Historia parafii świętych Piotra i Pawła w Rajsku. Wiadomości Polskiego Autokefalicznego Kościoła Prawosławnego, 7–8, 22–24. Milejkowska, H. (1967). Patronimica wschodniosłowiańskie w XI–XV w. Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego, 25, 177–192. Polyakova, E. N. (1975). Iz istorii russkikh imen i familii [From the History of Russian Names and Surnames]. Moscow: Prosveshchenie. Polyakova, E. N. (2010). Formirovanie permskikh otymennykh familii v XVII–XVIII vekakh [Formation of Perm Nouns in the 17th–18th Centuries]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Rossiiskaia i zarubezhnaia filologiia, 3(9), 7–17. Rogalev, A. F. (2009). Istoricheskaia antroponimiia Gomelia i okrestnostei [Historical Anthroponymy of Gomel and its Vicinities]. Gomel: Bark. Semianchuk, G. (2002). Gіstoryia budaunіtstva pravaslaunai tsarkvy u vestsy Raisk u drugoi palove XIX st. [The History of Construction of the Orthodox Church in the Village of Rajsk in the Second Half of the 19th Century]. Bel’skі gostіnets’, 3–4, 38–47. Simina, G. Ya. (1973). Istoriia otchestv [The History of Patronymics]. In R. G. Kuzeev, & V. A. Nikonov (Eds.), Onomastika Povolzh’ia — 3: materialy III konferentsii po onomastike Povolzh’ia [Onomastics of the Volga Region — 3: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Onomastics of the Volga Region] (pp. 177–182). Ufa: AN SSSR. Sosna, G., & Troc-Sosna, A. (2006). Święte miejsca i cudowne ikony. Białystok: Orthdruk. Superanskaya, A. V. (1990). Imia — cherez veka i strany [Name through Centuries and Countries]. Moscow: Nauka. Suslova, A. V., & Superanskaya, A. V. (1978). O russkikh imenakh [On Russian Names]. Leningrad: Lenizdat. |
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