2021, Volume 18, Issue 1

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Alexander I. Falileyev
Institute for Linguistic Studies of the RAS
St Petersburg, Russia

A Dictionary of Gaulish Nominal Stems
Review of the book: Delamarre X. Dictionnaire des thèmes nominaux du gaulois. I : Ab- / Iχs(o)-. Paris : Les Cent Chemins, 2019. 398 p.

Voprosy onomastiki, 2021, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 265–271 (in Russian)
DOI: 10.15826/vopr_onom.2021.18.1.014

Received on 12 December 2019

Abstract: This new book by Xavier Delamarre is the first volume of the dictionary of Gaulish nominal bases. Since onomastics is the source for most of its data, this book is of interest for the readers of this journal. Apart from Gaulish, the author considers data of other ancient Celtic languages such as Lepontic, Celtiberian, or British (Brittonic). The review surveys methodological aspects underlying this research, and particularly a number of questions related to suffixation in relation to the most recent research on Celtic morphology and word-formation. Undoubtedly, the book is the most complete collection of Gaulish onomastics up to date, although a number of missing forms can be brought forward, which is to be expected due to the amount of data at our disposal, and selection of several examples as Celtic should be questioned. The text contains etymological comments, and some of them appear in the book for the first time which deserves special attention. The dictionary is a very important contribution to Celtic studies in general, and to Gaulish onomastics in particular.

Keywords: Gaulish, Celtic, place names, anthroponyms, morphology, comparative and historical linguistics, lexicography.


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