2020, Volume 17, Issue 3
Artur Gałkowski Performative Interactions between Brand Names and their Slogans in Chrematonomastic and Communicative Perspective
Voprosy onomastiki, 2020, Volume 17, Issue 3, pp. 279–292 (in French) Received on 13 December 2019 Abstract: The paper aims to present the results of a chrematonomastic research on the interactions between brand names and their slogans which, when used together, form specific advertising units that shape the identity of the branded product. Such complex structures (“brand name + slogan”) are referred to as performative brand interactions (PBI) or, more generally, as performative textual nodes (PTN). Through the lens of communication theory, these PBI/PTN constructions may qualify as “conversational contributions ” (CC) or “moves” according to the “dialogical moves ” theory. Methods of corpus analysis serve to study the usage frequency of slogans accompanying brand names. The article explores the structural, as well as the semantic, and pragmatic aspects of performative interactions that enhance the communicative potential of a brand name by placing it in a specific context. The study results in a classification of the “brand name + slogan” units considered as having a twofold scope, both textual (interaction between the brand name and the slogan) and communicational (interaction between PBI/PTN and the target audience or the marketed product). Keywords: brand names, chrematonomastics, brand slogan, dialogical moves, branding, sloganeering, pragmatics, semantics. References Adam, J.-M., & Bonhomme, M. (2012). L’argumentation publicitaire. Rhétorique de l’éloge et de la persuasion. Paris : Armand Colin. Austin, J. L. (1962). How to do things with words. Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press. Bathelot B. Slogan publicitaire // Définitions marketing. L’encyclopédie illustrée du marketing. Modifié le 10/12/2018. URL: https://www.definitions-marketing.com/definition/slogan/ Bugheşiu, A. (2015). Trade Names in Contemporary Romanian Public Space. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Cavanaugh, J. R. (2015). Performativity. New York, NY : Oxford University Press. Cotticelli-Kurras, P., & Caffarelli, E. (2013). Names in Italian Slogans. Dans P. Sjöblom, T. Ainiala, & U. Hakala (dir.), Names in the Economy. Cultural Prospects (pp. 108–135). Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Dijk (van), T. A., & Kintsch, W. (1983). Strategies of Discourse Comprehension. London : Academic Press. Fabris, G., & Minestroni, L. (2004). Valore e valori della marca. Come costruire e gestire una marca di successo. Milano : Franco Angeli. Gałkowski, A. (2011). Chrematonimy w funkcji kulturowo-użytkowej. Onomastyczne studium porównawcze na materiale polskim, włoskim, francuskim [Chrématonymes avec fonction culturelle et d’usage. Étude onomastique comparative du matériel polonais, italien et français] (2ème éd.). Łódź : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Gałkowski, A. (2018). Les onomasticons globaux dans une perspective théorique. Onomastica Uralica, 11, 105–116. Gałkowski, A. (2019). La terminologie de la chrématonymie de marketing : fondements historiques, conceptions, discussions. Dans J. Altmanova et G. Le Tallec (dir.), Lexicalisation de l’onomastique commerciale. Créer, diffuser, intégrer (pp. 91–105). Bruxelles : Peter Lang. Grunig, B. (1990). Les mots de la publicité . Paris : Presses du CNRS. Kochan, M. (2005). Slogany w reklamie i polityce [Les slogans dans la publicité et dans la politique]. Warszawa : Trio. Laurent, B. (2010). Nom de marque, nom de produit : sémantique du nom déposé. Paris : L’Harmattan. Lewi, G., & Desprez, P.-L. (2013). La marque : fondamentaux du branding. Paris : Magnard-Vuibert. Minestroni, L. (2010). Il manuale della marca. Consumatore, cultura, società [Le manuel de la marque. Consommateur, culture, société]. Bologna : Logo Fausto Lupetti Editore. Platen, Ch. (1997). Ökonymie : zur Produktnamen-Linguistik im europäischen Binnenmarkt. Tübingen : Niemeyer. Reboul, O. (1975). Le slogan. Bruxelles : Éditions Complexe. Ronneberger-Sibold, E. (2012). Brand Names as Offers of Identity. An Overview over the 20th Century. Dans H. Wochele, J. Kuhn, & M. Stegu (dir.), Onomastics goes Business. Role and Relevance of Brand, Company and Other Names in Economics Contexts (pp. 1–18). Berlin : Logos Verlag. Sjöblom, P. (2012). Some Viewpoints to the Meaning and Interpretation of Company names. Dans H. Wochele, J. Kuhn, & M. Stegu (dir.), Onomastics goes Business. Role and Relevance of Brand, Company and Other Names in Economics Contexts (pp. 79–83). Berlin : Logos Verlag. Souperanskaïa, S. V., & Soboleva, T. A. (1986). Tovarnyie znaki [Marques commerciales]. Moscou : Nauka. Swales, J. M. (2004). Research Genres. Explorations and Applications. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Wheeler, A. (2010). Kreowanie marki [La création de la marque]. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Woch, A. (2010). Le slogan électoral français, italien et polonais : analyse formelle et pragmatique. Łask : Oficyna Wydawnicza LEXEM. |