2020, Volume 17, Issue 1
Anna A. Makarova Yulia B. Popova Zoomorphic Pattern in Collective Nicknames among the Residents of the Russian North
Voprosy onomastiki, 2020, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 30–46 (in Russian) Received 18 November 2019 Abstract: The paper studies collective nicknames of the residents of the Russian North (Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions) to describe a productive zoomorphic naming pattern. The research is based on findings of the Toponymic Expedition of the Ural Federal University which includes materials from field trips to the Russian North (1960–2019) as well as data published in dictionaries and monographs. The paper identifies lexical composition of the pattern, describes the geography of collective nicknames, and provides analysis of the material in terms of motivation, onomasiology, and language contacts. In some cases, collective nicknames are considered against the background of other types of nickname anthroponymy: family and individual nicknames. The analyzed body of nicknames includes both units formed from all-Russian vocabulary such as vorony, ershi, zaitsy, kuliki, etc., and less common names based on dialectal names of animals, birds, fish and insects (revyaki, svizi, sivkuny, pepyaki). The choice of animal species used in nicknames (in decreasing order: birds, fish, wild animals, pets, insects, amphibians) as well as substantial quantitative differences between Arkhangelsk and Vologda region (more than 200 units vs 88) are attributable to landscape features (forest and water) and occupations of the population (hunting, fishing). Characterological motivations, widely used in individual nickname anthroponymy, are relatively rare among zoomorphic collective nicknames. The prevalence of some thematic and motivational categories (especially “birds”) in the nicknames is probably due to the influence of substrate Finno-Ugric languages. Keywords: Russian language, dialects, anthroponymy, collective nickname, zoomorphic naming pattern, language contacts, linguistic geography, Russian North. References Agapitov, V. A. (1992). Ob ornitotoponimakh ostrovov arkhipelaga Kizhskie shkhery (otrazhenie rodovykh i fratrial’nykh sviazei v toponimii Zaonezh’ia) [On Ornithotoponyms of the Kizhi Skerries Archipelago Islands (Reflection of Ancestral and Fraternal Ties in the Toponymy of Zaonezhye)]. In Yu. Yu. Surkhasko, & K. K. Loginov (Eds.), Zaonezhskii sbornik (pp. 48–60). Petrozavodsk: [s. n.]. Drannikova, N. V. (2004). Lokal’no-gruppovye prozvishcha v traditsionnoi kul’ture Russkogo Severa. Funktsional’nost’, zhanrovaia priroda, etnopoetika [Local Group Nicknames in the Traditional Culture of the Russian North. Functionality, Genre Nature, Ethnopoetics]. Arkhangelsk: Pravda Severa. Kalutskov, V. N., & Ivanova, A. A. (2006). Geograficheskie pesni v traditsionnom kul’turnom landshafte Rossii [Geographical Songs in the Traditional Cultural Landscape of Russia]. Moscow: PFOP Publ. Karlova, O. L. (2014). Kollektivnye prozvishcha zhitelei karel’skikh dereven’ [Collective Nicknames of Karelian Villagers]. Voprosy onomastiki, 1, 75–83. Makarova, A. A., & Chekan, K. O. (2019). Kollektivnye prozvishcha zhitelei Onezhskogo raiona Arkhangel’skoi oblasti [Collective Nicknames of the Residents of the Onega District of the Arkhangelsk Region]. Zhivaia starina, 3, 16–19. Mäkinen, K. (2007). Lollot ja kollot: Suomalaista naapurihuumoria [Humor of Finnish People’s Neighbours]. Helsinki: Otava. Osipova, K. V. (2017). Dialektnye prozvishcha Russkogo Severa, obrazovannye ot nazvanii pishchi: etnolingvisticheskii aspect [North Russian Dialectal Nicknames Derived from Names of Food: An Ethnolinguistic Аpproach]. Voprosy onomastiki, 14(1), 87–109. http://doi.org/10.15826/vopr_onom.2017.14.1.005 Vinokurova, I. Yu. (2006). Zhivotnye v traditsionnom mirovozzrenii vepsov [Animals in the Traditional Worldview of the Veps]. Petrozavodsk: PetrGU Press. Vorontsova, Yu. B. (2011). Slovar’ kollektivnykh prozvishch [A Dictionary of Collective Nicknames]. Moscow: AST-Press Kniga. |
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