2017, Volume 14, Issue 3
Boris Yu. Norman Anna M. Plotnikova Eponymous Adjectives in the Russian Language: Corpus-Based Approach to Studying One Word-Formation Type
Voprosy onomastiki, 2017, Volume 14, Issue 3, pp. 84–96 (in Russian) Received 7 May 2017 Abstract: The article discusses morphological, semantic and pragmatic characteristics of Russian adjectives derived from surnames (pushkinsky, chekhovsky, leninsky, and others). The authors analyze types of suffixal morphs used to form adjectives from Russian and foreign surnames; characterize intralingual obstacles to adjectives formation and explain extralingual factors affecting the usage of surname derivatives. Popularity of a politician or a public fi gure, such as an actor or sportsman, directly provides for a wider circulation not only of their surnames, but also of their surname derivatives. The corpus-based approach to studying adjectives derived from surnames of political leaders and writers reveals specific sets of linguistic units called semantic clusters. These clusters are based on categorial meanings of adjectives, and provided that the collocating nouns belong to the same ideographic class. Adjectives derived from surnames do not belong to one specific grammar sub-class; on the contrary, they combine characteristics of qualitative, relative, and possessive adjectives. Precedent names determine connotations of such adjectives, although the semantic structure of a derivative does not necessarily copy that of the source word. Eponymous words are a convenient means for accommodating complex information whereas understanding their meaning requires certain background knowledge and builds on the principles of compositional semantics. Keywords: Russian language, adjectives, anthroponym, surname, adjectives derived from surnames, semantics, pragmatics, word-formation type References Bondarko, A. V. (Ed.). (1996). Teoriia funktsional’noi grammatiki: Lokativnost’. Bytiinost’. Posessivnost’. Obuslovlennost’ [Theory of Functional Grammar: Locativity. Beingness. Possessivity. Causality]. Saint Petersburg: Nauka. Evgenyeva, A. P. (Ed.). (1981–1984). Slovar’ russkogo iazyka [Russian Language Dictionary] (Vols. 1–4) 2nd ed. Moscow: Russkii iazyk. Golev, N. D. (1991). Motivatsionnye tipy otonomasticheskikh obrazovanii v khudozhestvennoi literature i publitsistike [Motivational Types of Eponymic Constructions in Fiction and Journalism]. In M. E. Rut (Ed.), Nominatsiia v onomastike [Nomination in Onomastics] (pp. 51–60). Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta. Krasnykh, V. V. (2016). Slovar’ i grammatika lingvokul’tury [Vocabulary and Grammar of Linguo-Culture]. Moscow: Gnozis. Kubriakova, E. S. (2004). Iazyk i znanie [Language and Knowledge]. Moscow: Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury. Miloslavsky, I. G. (2016). Pritiazhatel’nost’ kak semanticheskaia i kak slovoizmenitel’naia kharakteristika otnositel’nykh prilagatel’nykh [Possessiveness as a Semantic and Inflectional Characteristic of Relative Adjectives]. Russkii iazyk v shkole, 3, 47–51. Natsionalnyi korpus russkogo iazyka [Russian National Corpus]. Retrieved from http://ruscorpora/ru/. Norman, B. Yu. (2013). Kognitivnyi sintaksis russkogo iazyka [Cognitive Syntax of the Russian Language]. Moscow: Flinta; Nauka. Otin, E. S. (2006). Slovar’ konnotativnykh sobstvennykh imen [The Dictionary of Connotative Proper Names]. Moscow: ATemp. Shvedova, N. Yu. (Ed.). (1980). Russkaia grammatika [Russian Grammar] (Vols. 1–2). Moscow: Nauka. Sulimenko, N. E. (2008). Sovremennyi russkii iazyk: K izucheniiu semantiki imen prilagatel’nykh [Russian Language: A Study in the Semantics of Adjectives]. Saint Petersburg: Izd-vo Politekhn. un-ta. Ushakov, D. N. (Ed.). (1935–1940). Tolkovyi slovar’ russkogo iazyka [The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language] (Vols. 1–4). Moscow: Gos. izd-vo inostr. i nats. Slovarei. Vinogradov V. A. (2005). Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Reformatskii i ego kniga [Alexander Reformatsky and His Book]. In A. A. Reformatskii (auth.), Vvedenie v iazykovedenie [Introduction to Linguistics]. Moscow: Aspekt Press. Vinogradov, V. V. (1947). Russkii iazyk: Grammaticheskoe uchenie o slove [The Russian Language: Grammatical Studies on the Word]. Moscow: Uchpedgiz. |