2012 №2 (13)

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Valery L. Vasilyev
Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University
Veliky Novgorod, Russia

Structural and Derivational Typology of Russian Northwestern Hydronyms

Citation information: Voprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics). 2012. № 2 (13). P. 517 (in Russian)

Abstract: The article describes some preliminary results of a structural and derivational analysis of river, brook and lake names of the Russian Northwest presenting a list of the main formants proper to the Slavic hydronymy of the region and lists of structural elements proper to non-Slavic hydronyms. The author analyzes the notion of derivation as applied to hydronymy, draws a typology of formants, observes preferences for choosing formants depending on hydro-object classes, and, finally, focuses on onymization and transonymization processes, microsystemic relations, ways of hydronyms formation, their variation, etc.

Key words: Russian language, Russian northwestern hydronymy, structural and derivational typology of hydronyms, hydronymic formants and stems, hydronymic microsystems, derivational relations in hydronymy


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