Alois I. Nazarov
Independent Researcher
Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan
Nominalia of the Popovtsy Old Believers on the Ural Kazak Army Territory
Citation information: Voprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics), 2009, Issue 7, pp. 81–99 (in Russian)
Abstract: Based on register books of the Old Believers’ chapel in Uralsk (1832–1837, 1841), the article presents the name stock of the Popovtsy, one of the movements of the Old Believers present in the Ural Cossacks' land. The author draws a statistical analysis exposing the most frequent and most specific names of the community in question. The comparison of the names with baptism dates reveals some specific features of naming in the Popovtsy's community. The authors also provides a comparative analysis of the names of the Popovtsy with the naming practices of the Russians of other regions of the Russian Empire. The author supplements his article with lists of male and female names of the Old Believers of the Ural Cossacks’ land and the orthodox believers of Petropavlovsk.
Key words: Russian language, historical regional anthroponymy, Christian personal names, Popovtsy, Old Believers, Ural Cossack Host, Don Host Oblast, Petropavlovsk
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