Aleksandr K. Matveyev
Ural State University
Ekaterinburg, Russia
Naming Urban Facilities in Contemporary Russia: Tendencies and Practices
Citation information: Voprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics), 2009, Issue 7, pp. 100–105 (in Russian)
Abstract: The article focuses on tendencies and practices of contemporary Russian city naming. The author points out that the problem of renaming of large toponymic objects as one of the processes of artificial naming has three aspects: political, economic and linguistic. The inconsistency of city naming in contemporary Russia derives from the political and administrative inconsistency. The author argues that it is not always possible to restore the historical name of a city: while renaming a city one should take into account linguo-ethnic and euphonic factors, the transparency of the internal form, the length of the name, etc.
Key words: Russian language, artificial naming, city names, urbanonymy, toponymic policy
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