2011 №1 (10)
Vasilyev V. L.
Hydronyms Ending in -ga in the Reverse Hydronymy Dictionary of the Russian
Barandeyev A. V.
Linguistic and Cartographic Attribution of Moskovia and Tartaria Toponyms
Spiridonov D. V.
On the Ethnolinguistic Characteristics of the Proper Name Jacques in French Dialects
Varnikova E. N.
Zoonyms: a Place within the Onomastic Space
Fomin A. A.
On “Home Brand” and More: the Meaning-Making Potential of a Pragmonym in a Work of Fiction
Shelkova I. A.
Character Nicknames in A.G. Alexin’s Works
Dmitriyeva T. N.
The Khanty Wangr-Wasch-Jugan Toponym and Linguo-Ethnic Contacts in Kazim District
Solovyev A. N.
Urbanonymic Terms and Urbanonyms in V.I. Dahl’s Dictionary
Onomastics abroad
Buchi E., Wirth A.
From a Defined Description towards an Anthroponym: on the Possible Contribution of Historical Anthroponymy to the Modified Proper Name Theory
Akhmetova М. V.
Excerpts from a Dictionary of Nonofficial Toponyms
Onomatologists’ Forum
Namitokova R. Yu.
To Decline or not to Decline: That is the Question...
Academic Curriculum
Conferences, Congresses, Symposia
Afeltowicz B., 17th All-Polish Onomastic Conference “Chrematonymy as a Modern-Day Phenomenon”
Razumov R. V., 12th International Conference “The Onomastics of Volga Region”
Molchanova O. T., review of Kazim River Basin Toponymy by T. N. Dmitriyeva
Myznikov S. A., review of The Dictionary of Oikonyms of the Lower Pechora Basin by G. I. Glebko
Suproun V. I., review of Historic Anthroponymy: Gomel and Surroundings by A. F. Rogalev
Publications Bibliography in the Problems of Onomastics (2004-2010)