Sobolev, A. I.
Anthroponyms of Balto-Fennic Origin in the 15th–16th Centuries Cadastres of the Southeastern Lake Onega Region
Dmitrieva, T. N.
Place Names of the Pelym River Area on Antal Reguly’s Handwritten Maps and the Etymologization of Mansi Toponyms
Breeze, A.
John Leland’s Caer Urfe: Tynemouth or Chepstow?
Kaczyńska, E.
Cretan Hydronyms Derived from Settlement Names
Osipova, K. V.
North Russian Dialectal Nicknames Derived from Names of Food: An Ethnolinguistic Аpproach
Akhmetova, М. V.
“Marginal” Katoikonyms: From Occasional to Systematic Patterns
Broderick, G.
Rhydderch — Broderick?
Book reviews
Krivoshchapova, Ju. A.
Individual and Collective Nicknames of the Poles: An Ethnolinguistic Perspective. Review of the book: Ziajka, B. (2014). Językowo-kulturowy obraz świata społeczności wiejskiej utrwalony w przezwiskach i przydomkach (na przykładzie nieoficjalnych antroponimów mieszkańców Zagórza i wsi okolicznych w powiecie chrzanowskim) [The Rural Community’s Cultural and Linguistic Worldview as Reflected in Individual and Family Nicknames (Based on Unofficial Anthroponyms of the Dwellers of Zagórz and Neighboring Villages in Chrzanów County)]. Kraków: Wyd. Libron; Filip Lohner.
Academic curriculum
Conferences, congresses, symposia
Tomasik, S.
20th International and All-Polish Conference in Onomastics
In memoriam
Roza Yusufovna Namitokova