2013 №2 (15)


Smirnov О. V.
On the Permic Toponymic Substrate in Mari El and in the Middle Course of the Vyatka River (In the Light of the Ethnic Interpretation of Archaeological Cultures). 1

Kabinina N. V.
Popular Toponymic Geometry (With Reference to Lake Names of Arkhangelsk Region)

Perono Cacciafoco F.
Water Place Names in the Pre-Latin Ligurian Context. A Study in Prehistoric Toponomastics and Semantics

Kyurshunova I. А.
Medieval Karelian Calendar Names: A Cognitive Perspective

Ganzhina I. M.
The Restructuring of Christian Personal Names in the Pre-National Period:
Names Ending in -a, -ija (-’ja)

Gudavičius A.
Nature in the System of Lithuanian Personal Names

Grishchenko A. I.
Russian Ethnonyms and Related Lexical Categories in Explanatory Dictionaries

Romanova Т. P.
“Russian Field” in Advertising Naming


Borisova Е. О., Krivoshchapova Yu. А., Kuchko V. S., Sinitsa N. А.
From Materials for a Dictionary of Russian Place Name Derivatives

Academic Curriculum

Conferences, congresses, symposia

Goryaev S. О.
2nd International Conference in Onomastics “Name and Naming. Onomastics in Contemporary Public Spaсe”

A review


Shaposhnikov А. К.
Old Slavic Toponymy of Novgorod (Review of: Vasilyev, V. L. (2012). Slavianskie toponimicheskie drevnosti Novgorodskoi zemli. Moscow: Rukopisnye pamiatniki Drevnei Rusi)


New dissertations on onomastics (2012–2013)

In Memoriam

Aleksandra Vasilyevna Superanskaya (1929–2013) (N. V. Vasilyeva)