2008 №1 (5)
Статьи Golev N. D., Dmitrieva L. М. Unity of the Ontological and Mental Existence of the Toponymic System: A Contribution to Cognitive Toponymics Alpatov V. V. Place-Name Elements Meaning ‘Church’ in English Toponymy Gyóni G. Hungarian Elements in the Toponymy of Bashkiria Shilov А. L. On the North Karelian Sami Toponymy Mladenova O. Ethnic Terms and Ethnic Identity Hoffmann E. Names of Political Events and Their Onymization in the Mass Media Reports Kabinina N. V. On the Origin of the River-Name Element –zhma/–z’ma in the Substrate Toponymy of the Russian North Toporova Т. V. On the Specific Character of Proper Names Derived from Plant Names in the Elder Edda Materials Mahracheva Т. V. Materials for A Dictionary of Chrononyms of Tambov Region. I. А–К. Academic Life Conferences, meetings, symposia The 5th All-Russian Conference “Problems of Regional Onomastics” (R. Yu. Namitokovа, S. Sh. Shkhalakho) Symposium “Finno-Ugrian Onomastics in the Areal Aspect” (Т. N. Dmitrievа) Onomastic Problems in Local Linguistic Studies: An Echo of the All-Russian Conference “Problems in Local Linguistic Studies” (O. A. Sirotkina) Symposium “Name in Economics and Economic History – 2” (S. O. Goryaev, K. Tsshishang) Short Information Reviews Burykin А. А. Istoriko-etnograficheskie i istoriko-kulturnye aspekty izucheniya onomasticheskogo prostranstva regiona. Ocherki po toponimike i etnonimike vostochnoi Sibiri [Historical, Ethnographic and Cultural Aspects of the Study of the Onomastic Space of a Region. Essays on Eastern Siberia Toponymy and Ethnonymy] (Yu. S. Kostylev) Kuznetsov А. V. Totemsky onomastikon: Familii totmichei. Nazvaniya dereven'. "Sovetskie" oikonimy. Russkie gidronimy [Totma Onomasticon: Surnames of Totma Dwellers. Village Names. "Soviet" Place Names. Russian River-Names] (К. А. Hein) Babalola A., Alaba O. A. Slovar' yorubskikh antroponimov [Dictionary of Yoruba Personal Names] (V. I. Suprun, U. F. Emenka) Overview Dagestan Toponymics: Formation and Development (M. R. Bagomedov) New books New journal Ukrainian Journal of Onomastics "Λογος όνομαστική" (V. M. Kalinkin) New dissertations on onomastics Saarikivi J. Substrata Uralica: Studies on Finno-Ugrian Substrate in Nothern Russian Dialects (I. I. Mullonen) Gyóni G. Proto-Hungarians in the Urals in the First Millenium A.D. in Russian and Hungarian Historiography (А. К. Matveyev) Expeditions Toponymy of Tikhvin Karelians: Interpretation of the Expedition Materials (D. V. Kuzmin) Anniversaries V. I. Suprun’s Anniversary (I. V. Kryukovа) |
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