Dr. Maria Akhmetova

Current position:
Senior Researcher at the Center for Theoretical Folklore Studies, School for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Institute of Social Sciences, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia
Contact information:
82, Prospekt Vernadskogo Moscow, 119571, Russia
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Institute of Social Sciences, School for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Center for Theoretical Folklore Studies
Eskhatologicheskie motivy sovremennoi mifologii v Rossii kontsa ΧΧ — nachala ΧΧΙ vv. [Eschatological Motifs of Contemporary Russian Mythology: End of the 20th — Beginning of the 21st century] (2004, PhD)
Membership in editorial boards of journals:
Shagi / Steps (Russia, deputy editor)
Zhivaja starina (Russia)
Research areas: non-official toponimy, katoikonimy, urbanonimy, urban folklore, urban anthropology, contemporary mythology
Main publications:

Konets sveta v odnoi otdel’no vziatoi strane: Religioznye soobshchestva postsovetskoi Rossii i ikh eskhatologicheskii mif) [End of the world in one single country: Religious communities in post-Soviet Russia and their eschatological myth]. Moscow, 2010.

Ot A-Aty do Iarska: Slovar’ neofitsial’nykh nazvanii naselennykh punktov [From ‘A-Ata’ to ‘Yarsk’: A dictionary of non-official placenames]. Moscow, 2015.

Katoikonimy v lokal’noi pechati kontsa XX — nachala XXI v. (sluchai Tveri) [Diversity of Names for Tver Inhabitants in the Local Press (Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries]. Slověne. 2018, 7 (1). P. 281–307.

Katoikonimy kak ob’’ekt metaiazykovoi refleksii: orfograficheskii aspekt [Katoikonyms as Objects of Metalinguistic Reflection: Orthographical Aspects. Antropologicheskij forum = Forum for Anthropology and Culture. 2019, 40. P. 115–146.

O reaktualizatsii odnogo drevnego katoikonima (sluchai Staroi Russy) [On the Revival of One Ancient Russian Katoikonym: Staraya Russa]. Voprosy onomastiki = Problems of Onomasics. 2019, 16 (1). P. 173–199.

Nazvaniia zhitelei gorodov v sovetskoi ritorike: ot marginalii k meinstrimu [Words for City Dwellers in Soviet Rhetoric: From the Marginal to the Mainstream]. Russkij jazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii = Russian Language and Linguistic Theory. 2020 (1). P. 88–108.

Neofitsial’nye monumentonimy: k opredeleniiu onomasticheskogo statusa [Unofficial Monumentonyms: Towards the Definition of their Onomastic Status]. Voprosy onomastiki = Problems of Onomasics. 2023, 19 (2). P. 195–220.

Metaiazykovye formuly otveta: kommentarii k chuzhomu vyskazyvaniiu mezhdu kul’turoi rechi i kommunikativnym dominirovaniem [Metalinguistic Formulas of Reply: A Commentary to Someone Else’s Speech Between Culture of Speech and Communicative Dominance]. Fol’klor: struktura, tipologiia, semiotika = Folklore: Structure, Typology, Semiotics. 2024, 7 (2). P. 26–57.
External links:
Profile on academia.edu