2024, Volume 21, Issue 3
For citation Received on 19 August 2024 Abstract: The article is the first in a planned series investigating anthroponyms of non-Slavic origin found in the Acts of the Solovetsky Monastery, a published source that vividly chronicles the history of the White Sea region in the 15th–16th centuries. The study focuses on the first volume, which contains 428 charters (1479–1571) and includes at least 80 anthroponyms of non-Slavic origin. This article examines a subset of 15 names from this corpus. The anthroponyms are analyzed within a broad etymological framework, incorporating proposed appellative parallels, motivational hypotheses, typological arguments, and the authors’ reflections on existing interpretations of specific names. The research methodology, informed by substantial prior work on the anthroponymy of the European North of Russia, is outlined in detail in the introduction. The findings reveal that most non-Slavic anthroponyms appear within “Russian-type” patronymics, combined with Orthodox calendar names or their derivatives (e.g., Kuzemka Fedorov Valuev, Vlasko Oshmuev, Semyon Ivanov Sulgopyaev’s son). This pattern highlights the significant Christianization and subsequent Russification of parts of the non-Slavic population in the White Sea region during this period. Nevertheless, the persistence of foreign-language anthroponymic systems is evident in certain individual names. The analysis of the origins of these anthroponyms indicates a strong prevalence of Balto-Finnic names, alongside occasional Turkic elements (*Baiguz and possibly Kudash) and rare examples of probably Sami origin (Chyukhcha and possibly *Nuzcha). Based on the ethnonymic landscape described in the introduction, most Balto-Finnic anthroponyms can be assumed to be of Karelian origin. 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