2024, Volume 21, Issue 3
For citation Received on 25 July 2024 Abstract: In certain traditions of lower mythology, alongside depictions of guardian spirits, protectors of the natural landscape (including flora, fauna, elemental forces, diseases, and spheres of activity) there is mention of an anthropomorphic figure commonly referred to as the “wild man.” This being is believed to inhabit areas untouched by human development, occasionally encountering nearby populations. According to local traditions, the “wild man” is described as a creature of flesh and blood, distinct from all categories of “spirits” but not entirely akin to either animals or humans. His image is found in various cultural expressions, including folklore, ancient and medieval texts, visual art, ritual practices, and performances. Although the “wild man” is known by different names across regions, these variations reflect a limited number of conceptual models, each highlighting a single dominant characteristic. Examining these models allows researchers to defi ne the semantic field in which this image was formed, identify specific ethnic and cultural types, reconstruct historical connections, and ultimately trace the origins and development of the concept of “wildness.” These names also possess notable onomastic potential: they may give rise to toponyms (often oronyms) associated with particular natural landmarks or lead to the “personalization” of the “wild man.” In this context, the figure may represent an outsider living beyond their community or take on the role of a mythological “guardian” of other wild creatures in the region. Thus, the “generic” designation of the wild man can evolve into a kind of proper name. Keywords: mythology; demononymy; onymization; naming patterns; wild man; forest people; mountain people Acknowledgements References Alinei, M. (1985). “Silvani” latini, “Aquane” ladine: dalla linguistica all’antropologia. Mondo ladino, 9(3–4), 49–78. Bernheimer, R. (1952). 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